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-Johnny Pov-
"You gonna be ok without me?" I questioned Y/n, squeezing her hand lightly.

"Yes Johnny, I'll be fine, go to school!" She insisted, waving her hand in attempt to dismiss me.

"Fine, I'll go but please take care of yourself," I begged, never letting go of her hand.

"You act like I'm going to die, I'll be fine, love, I promise," She assured, smiling at me.

"Ok, I believe you. I love you princess," I say, letting go of her hand. The lost of connection has already taken a tole on my heart.

Y/n gave me a comforting grin, "I love you too Johnny, don't get in trouble ok?"

"Alright I won't, I'll see you after school," I say with nod. Y/n waved me goodbye as I left the room.

Her mom also waved me goodbye as I left the house. My heart started to pound when I hopped on my motorcycle. What if something happens when I'm gone?

I already knew that the whole day was going to be me being a complete wreck. How can you blame me? My girl, the love of my life, is sick. I've never seen her sick before, it's not a common thing.

I just hope she's still ok when I get back.

"Ay Johnny! What's up?" Dutch called out, running up to me.

"Y/n's sick, I'm worried and it's hell," I responded honestly. He gave me a worried stare.

"Is she alright?" Dutch asked, cocking his head slightly to the side.

"From what she tells me, yes. From my perspective, I think she's dying!" I exclaimed, crossing my arms over my chest.

"She's not dying, Johnny, you're being over dramatic," Dutch commented, "She'll be ok,    Y/n's the strongest person I know."

"What's going on?" I heard Tommy call out. He put his arm on Dutch's shoulder.

"Johnny's worried sick for his girl because she's under the weather," Dutch explained for me.

I pouted a bit, wishing I was with Y/n, taking care of her. Eventually I just tuned out what everyone was saying. When I tuned back in, I was surrounded by the guys talking about Y/n being sick.

"I mean she did look awfully tired during class, and that whole thing also wasn't so good," Bobby added.

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts, "You guys aren't making it any better."

"Sorry Johnny, I'm sure Y/n's ok," Jimmy said. I nodded in response.

"I'm going to go to class, Y/n told me not to get in trouble so I might as well listen to her," I muttered, dipping from the group.

They all said their goodbyes as I walked to class, without my Princess by my side. It's a strange feeling. Ever since we got together, we've always walked to our classes side by side.

I'd even walk her to the one class she didn't have me in. I smiled at the memory. I used to say shit like, "If Daniel tries anything, tell me." Now I'm learning how to tolerate the guy.

I shook my head as I sat down. My heart clenched when I turned to the empty seat next to me. No Y/n. Not today. I miss her. Yes I saw her this morning. Yes I'll see her when I go home. But- wait.

I just referred to her house as home. I guess it is now. Even when I lived in my 'home' it didn't feel like home. I know some people say some cheesy shit like, your loved ones is your home.

I guess it's true. That house is my home now. If I'm honest, I think it always has been. Y/n has always supported me, loved me, and welcomed me. When I think of her, I think of home. And that's where I always want to be.

I know it's cliche and shit but...it's true. Right now all I want is to be by her side. It's the place I belong. By my side is where she belongs.

I'm not sure why it took me so long to realize this. It didn't take that long for me to know I love Y/n. It didn't take me long to know that she's the one. But why did it take me so long to realize that she's my home?

Even when I was with Ali, I didn't feel this way. Back then I swore I loved her, but comparing to it now, I was no where close.

My eyes landed on my promise ring. Knowing that Y/n is wearing her's right now is enough for me to get through the day.

Yes the song has nothing to do with this chapter. Yes I put it in because I love it. And what about it? Anyways here's the character development that went along with your sick ass. So there you have it. Also thanks for 7k, I really appreciate every comment and just everything. This is literally my dream to write for people and it feels fucking fantastic that I'm doing it.

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