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The week went by fast. Every morning Johnny picked me up. Every afternoon he would take me home. Sometimes we would take random stops at pretty little shops and look at pretty little trinkets. We would also sometimes stop at the beach.

It's now Saturday and I'm getting ready for the Halloween dance. Johnny bought me a crown from on of the pretty little shops we stopped by. He said it was for my princess costume.

I smiled at the crown. It was clearly old but was still so beautiful. The gems on it glistened brightly. It fit me perfectly as well.

I put on a pretty pink dress, curled my hair, and slipped on pretty white heels. Then I added the crown.

I smiled at myself in the mirror. The dress was my moms. She gave it to me a long time ago. It was her old prom dress. It matches the crown perfectly so that's why I'm wearing it tonight.

I heard a knock at the door. I smiled to myself as I thought about the person standing behind that door.

I ran down the stairs. My mom gave me a thumbs up as I ran to the door.

With a moments hesitation, I opened the door. There stood Johnny in his Skelton outfit.

"Holy shit Y/n, you really do look like a Princess." Johnny compliment, a bright blush on his face.

"You look absolutely gorgeous, you're so beautiful that I would never find the right words to describe you," Johnny continued.

He cupped my cheek and kissed me. He then laughed a little when his black face paint from his lips rubbed off onto my lips.

"You look pretty hot yourself," I finally answered before winking. Johnny couldn't help but slap my ass because of that comment.

"Someone's a horny bastard," I teased before jumping in the car. (I am throwing up crying at this)

Johnny rolled his eyes before climbing into the car himself.

We finally arrived at the party. I couldn't help but laugh as a group of skeletons ran to us. They all looked great.

Johnny and I got out of the car, "Hey guys," Johnny greeted.

"Hey Johnny, whoa! Y/n you look hot!" Dutch commented.

Johnny immediately wrapped his arm around my waist protectively.

"You look really nice Y/n," Bobby commented, blushing slightly.

"Guys," Johnny warned.

The others ignored him and continued to give me compliments.

I looked up at Johnny who was squeezing the shit out of my side, "You got a strong grip for a skeleton."

He lightened up at the joke, laughing a little, "Oh yeah? I could show you a thing or two this grip can do." (DAMNN I WAS LIKE 13 WHEN I WROTE THIS, WHERE WAS MY PARENTS)

I smacked Johnny in the shoulder, "Not in front of the guys!"

He laughed, pulling me even closer to him, at this point our sides were connected.

We walked into the school. People were dressed in costumes, they were dancing and cracking jokes. Some were flirting and others making out.

Johnny grabbed my hand and pulled into the middle of the floor. We danced together.

"You got some moves," I smirked as Johnny twirled me around.

He winked at me, "These aren't the only moves I got, if you know what I mean." (Bro stop I'm crying)

I blushed a bright red, "You are going to!"

"Give you a heart attack? Princess I can give you much more than just that," Johnny smirked.

"Johnny!" I whined, causing him to laugh.

"You are too cute," He teased, grabbing my ass.

"I swear to god Johnny I'll beat your ass!" I yelped.

"Not if I get to yours first," He flirted while continuing to dance with me.

We were interrupted by someone clearing their throat, "May I have this dance?"

I turned around to see Daniel in a shower costume. I cracked up as he peeked through the curtain.

"So this is your boyfriend?" He asked, glaring at Johnny.

Before I could answer Johnny stepped in front of me, "I am her boyfriend, what does a punk like you want?"

"Johnny calm down, it's ok," I grabbed his hand and pulled him back next to me.

Johnny sighed as he rolled his eyes.

"I'll dance with you after this song ok Daniel?" I suggested.

Daniel smiled before scurrying off to Ali and her friends.

I felt two large arms wrap around me from behind. Then a head full of blonde locks rested on my shoulder.

"Johnny you're such a baby," I teased, rubbing circles into his hands.

"I don't like how he looks at you with that stupid face," Johnny muttered.

I chuckled at his childish state, "You're adorable."

He started to kiss my neck causing me to freeze in place, "Mmmmm I think you're the adorable one here."

I blushed as he continued on kissing, nibbling, and sucking on my neck, leaving hickeys everywhere.

"Johnny..," I whimpered.

"I know princess, but you gotta keep quiet alright," Johnny whispered before continuing on abusing my neck.

The song came to and end, saving me from his abuse on my skin. Johnny groaned as he watched Daniel make his way to me.

"M'lady," He greeted.

I smiled at him, "Danny."

Johnny cursed under his breath as he watched Daniel wrap his arms around my waist. We started to dance, Daniel made sure to travel a little distance from Johnny as we moved.

Johnny never left his spot, making sure to keep an eye on me. After a little Tommy whispered into his ear.

Johnny signaled he was going to leave for a little. Then he rushed over to the bathrooms. I'm a bit confused but oh well.

"You know I would treat you so much better than Johnny," Daniel started.

I shook my head, "Johnny is really sweet when he wants to be, he's actually a big softie."

Daniel groaned at this. We continued to dance before getting interrupted by a chicken throwing an egg at Daniel's head.

We both laughed hysterically as the cracked egg slipped off his head.

"I have to go and rinse this off, I'll be back," Daniel says before running off.

Thank you for the ones giving this book a chance! I hope you like it so far. Also I am way ahead for the book so I can continue posting everyday.

(I wasn't lying, I remember writing this abomination in three days)

The Spice Cabinet-Johnny Lawrence x Reader- (Karate Kid)Where stories live. Discover now