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ARTEMIS WAS STARING AT Harry in shock. The Potter boy seemed to notice her and turned his gaze to her, mouthing 'It wasn't me.'

The girl nodded and send him a reassuring smile. Harry relaxed a bit, but the tension in the hall was still there. Everyone was gawking at the boy, some confused, others angry.

Dumbledore's voice broke the silence, calling for Harry. "Harry Potter!" He called once again. "Harry! Come here please."

Artemis saw how the Granger girl was pushing him to go, with a nervous expression on her face.

Harry stood up, stepped on the end of his robe, and wobbled slightly.

"Here...go through that door, Harry," said Dumbledore, without smiling.

He walked in the room, disappearing from the crowd's eyes.

Wyatt leaned over and murmured. "This is not good. What will happen to him?"

Artemis turned to him, Wyatt was fixing his glasses. "You heard Dumbledore, once the Goblet selects you, there's not coming back. I heard that if you give up, you die."

Wyatt looked at her wide-eyed. It seemed like the people around Artemis heard her and they gasped in terror.

"But Artemis, he is underage!" Wyatt declared.

"It doesn't matter," Voice called behind them. It was Apollo. "The Goblet doesn't care if you're underage or not. The Goblet chose Potter, so he is obligated to to participate."

"Little, foul attention seeker!" Ron grumbled.

Apollo and Artemis turned to the boy, glaring. "Of all people in this school, I didn't expect you to turn against your best friend, envious git."

Ron growled and charged to Artemis who stood up instantly. "You better shut up! You're the same as him! Attention seeker, everyone drooling over you like you're bloody veela!"

"It's not my fault that I'm beautiful, Weasley and you look like a stepped shit!" Everyone in the room gasped.

McGonagall stood up to stop the fuss, but it was too late. Ron collided his fist with Artemis's face. A loud crack echoed through the room.

Everyone was watching in disbelief. Artemis didn't realise what just happened until she felt a salty taste reaching her lips.

Even Ron was surprised by his actions. Hermione was in shock, looking between the girl and the boy. Apollo froze, beside him Theo, Josie and Pansy were staring in shock.

Once Artemis regained from her shock, she glared at the boy, blood spilling from her nose, clenching her fists, her long nails digging into her palms.

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