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IT WAS HAPPENING every single night, since the night at the Graveyard. She couldn't help it. The nightmare kept repeating that she had already memorized it in details.

"Listen to me, girl." The voice paused, "I can give you power Artemis. I knew that you'll join us from the day you were born. You're born for great deeds. All you need to do is to let me help you find your power. I'll make even stronger than your mother-"


"Disappointing, very well then... AVADA KEDAVRA!

And then she was waking up with a jolt.

Artemis let out trembling sighs as sweat ran down her forehead. The same nightmare again.

After that night, she could not close her eyes. She was looking around all the time in case of danger. Her wand was always under the pillow to protect herself. She would not repeat the mistake of forgetting her wand again, yet it almost cost her her life.

Tonight was no different. All night staring at the ceiling and sometimes glancing at the window, watching the old, empty streets.

It was about eight o'clock. Everyone slept, only she didn't. Her roommate, Ginny, was snoring deeply in her sweet sleep and Artemis was terribly jealous of her.

Every day she had to hide the bags under her eyes and her tired expression so that no one from The Order, or especially her aunt, could notice.

She always hid under her fake smile and infectious humour. But inside, Artemis was dying, rotting. Great darkness had taken over her heart, and she didn't know how to get rid of it.

"Mphhh... Mornin' Artemis." Ginny mumbled, getting out of the bed.

"Morning. Did you sleep well? Any dreams with Harold?" Artemis teased, raising an eyebrow.

Ginny yawned and rubbed her eyes, ignoring Artemis. She looked at her one more time and waved her away, walking out of the room.

Artemis snickered and laid in her bed.

"Won't you get up?" A voice called from the doorway.

Artemis groaned and slowly slipped out of bed, walking toward his aunt. Andromeda snorted, watching her niece grumbling and grunting under her breath.

Artemis walked in the bathroom and looked at the mirror. Her wavy hair was a mess and tied in a bun. Her tank top was torn, revealing her bra, and her shorts were turned other way around.

Artemis left another groan once more and turned on the faucet. Cold water began to pour into the sink. Artemis filled a handful of water and splashed it in her face.

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