Chapter 19

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This morning I applied a crap ton of make up to try to hide my hickey from Matt. It didn't work very well, but it covered it up a little bit.

I walked to school with Courtney. "Can I tell you something?" I asked her. I needed to tell at least one person. "Yeah sure." She replied and I told her the whole story.

"Really?" Was all she asked when I was done. "Yeah, look." I said tilting my head so that she could see the hickey. "Wow you used a lot of make up." She giggled.

"Please don't tell Matt. I don't want him to know." I pleaded. "I won't, but only because I know you didn't mean to get it." She answered. "Thank you so much." I sighed with relief.

When we walked in the school I was greeted with funny looks. Almost every person I walked by gave me a really weird look. I didn't know what people said about me. Maybe they already knew.

When I was at my locker a group of popular girls walked up to me. "So how's Jack?" One of them smirked. "Okay... Why do you ask?" I was really confused. "Because you two had sex last night." Another girl chimed in. My mouth dropped open. "See you did!" A girl said. "No I-I swear I didn't, we were just studying." I stuttered.

"What's this on your neck?" She walked up to me and smeared the makeup off my hickey. I immediately covered it up with my hand. "Stop it! how do you know I had sex with Jack?" I asked. "#1, you have a hickey, and #2 he told us you did." She answered. "What?!" I yelled getting angry.

"We are going to tell Matt." They all squealed and started down the hallway. "No please don't!" I yelled and tried to run after them, but I got lost in a crowd.

Tears started to pour out of my eyes. Why did I kiss Jack back? If I would have pushed him off none of this would have happened. It's all my fault. Matt is going to hate me.

I walked back to my locker and got my books and went to class. I was really early, but I didn't really care.

Matt wasn't in class and it was about to start. I hope he's okay, if the popular girls found him and told him. All I can hope is that Matt will listen to me and understand.

Matt shoved the door open just as class started. "You were almost late, try to come earlier Mr. Espinosa." Our teacher said. "Yeah sorry." Matt answered and sat down.

I looked at him, and he looked back at me, heartbroken. I couldn't look at him any longer so I turned towards the board.

He slipped a note on my desk. I looked at him, but he wasn't looking at me.
It read:
How could you? Go off and have it out with another guy? Explain.
after class I replied and gave it back to him. I hoped he would understand.
Hello everyone!
I'm the master at procrastination. I'm supposed to be doing my homework, but here I am writing on Wattpad.
I'm probably going to procrastinate again so I'll probably update later. 😂
Byeeee ✌️

Figuring out the bad boy // Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now