Chapter 10

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People wanted me to write this in Matt's point of view so here ya go
*Matt's POV*
Today was the day. I had to not be myself. Not let my instincts kick in.

I rolled out of bed and took a shower. I got dressed and ate breakfast. I was done early so I decided to watch TV. I turned it on and started watching a show, but my mom yelled at me that I had to start walking to school. I picked up my book bag and left the house, a little nervous.

On my way to school I saw Haven. "Hey Matt!" She yelled trying to catch up to me. I started walking faster trying to avoid her. Shes the girl that ruined my soon to be relationship. She was the reason I had to start over with Skyler yesterday. She's the reason I'm in this situation.

I turned around and faced her. "Get away from me!" I yelled even though she was only a couple of feet away. "What's going on Matt?" She asked giving me an annoyed look. "Im not hooking up with you anymore!" I shouted. "Why are you acting like this?!" She asked. "I don't like you, I only like you for your sex." I said. "I don't need you anymore because I have Skyler. She's the best thing to ever happen to me. If I give up my player ways she said she will date me. You have no clue how much this means to me. So please stop bothering me." I finished. "Well good luck with that." She said winking at me. I hate it when she winks at me. I rolled my eyes and started waking again. She just walked along with me.

I finally arrived at school and ran away from Haven in a huge crowd. Thank god, I was just about to blow and give up. I ran towards Skyler's locker. She wasn't there yet. "Matt you can't hide from me!" Haven yelled as she came from the crowd. She walked up to me and pushed me against Skyler's locker. She touched the side of my face lightly. "You know you don't like Skyler, you like me." She said winking. "Stop! get off me!" I yelled. "Never." She whispered. That's when I did something I never thought I would do. I grabbed Haven's hand and looked at her right in the eye.
Sorry I had to switch back
*Skyler's POV*

"Crap!" I screamed as I woke up. I over slept, it was 8:00. My classes start at 8:30. I hurried out of my bed and got dressed. I ate my breakfast and hurried back upstairs to brush my teeth. I threw all my crap in my book bag and rushed out of the door locking it behind me.

I walked half way, but I started to run because it was 8:23 and I didn't want to be late.

I made it to the school, ran to my locker and got my books, and walked into my first class. I plopped down in my seat just as the bell rang. I sighed in relief.

I turned to look at Matt. "Where have you been?" He asked. "I over slept." I answered. We sat through the class not saying another word. Matt would look at me, and when I looked back he would look away. He almost seemed guilty. Did something happen? Did he mess up already?

After class when I was at my locker Matt slipped a note in my book for me to read. It said "Im sorry" I looked at him and he was biting his lower lip. He walked away suddenly. "Matt!" I yelled going after him. I caught up to him and he just started running. "Matt! Please talk to me! We can work something out!" I yelled. He ran out of the school and sat in the grass just outside the door.

"Get away from me! Can't you see I don't deserve you?!" He yelled. He put his head in his hands. "Don't say that Matt." I said sitting next to him. "I messed up, I fucking messed up." He said sobbing. "Matt lets just start out being friends okay?" I asked. "Okay." He said lifting his head a little. "But I want to be more then that," He sobbed harder. "Maybe we can be a little more then friends." I said. He lifted his head up and looked at me. I half smiled at him. "I'm just upset because I want to be the one guy that tells you every single day I love you so much." He said sniffling. I leaned in and kissed him. But when we connected lips, Matt wasn't kissing back. I pulled away and looked at him funny. "I've already told you this. I don't deserve you Skyler." He said as he stood up and left.
I haven't been able to update for a while, but I might update again tonight.
I have some ideas for the next chapter already so be ready for an update 😏

Figuring out the bad boy // Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now