Chapter 40

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I ran out my front door to see flames everywhere.

I had no clue where I was coming from at first until I noticed a weird shape in the huge fire.

Matt's car had gone up in flames.

"Matt!" I screamed and ran towards the car.

The door to the drivers seat was covered in flames so I had to find a different way to get in.

I ran around the car looking for something to get in through.

I found a way to creep into the passengers door and grab Matt.

I grabbed Matt's arm and tried to pull him out but it didn't work.

The fire was spreading quickly so I got in the car and picked up Matt.

Matt was way heavier than I had expected.

"C'mon Matt! Please!" I pleaded.

After I got him out of the seat I carried him bridal style to get him away from the fire.

I grunted and moaned at all the hard work but eventually got him far enough away.

"Matt! Baby talk to me!" I cried.

"I-I need to call an ambulance." I mumbled feeling for my phone.

Then I remembered that I left it in my room.

"Shit." I screamed.

I checked Matt's pulse, it was getting slower.

Just then Matt's car finally exploded.

I cried and kept trying to get Matt to wake back up.

I kept shaking him and screaming his name hoping for a response.

"Please!" I was about to pull my hair out.

I felt his pulse and I felt nothing.

My stomach dropped.

I can't watch another friend of mine die.

I just cant.

"Matt." I put my head down on his chest like when we cuddled and laid there, listening to nothing.

I woke up as an ambulance grabbed Matt to take him to the hospital.

"Please save him." I sobbed to the nurse.

"We can't promise anything dear." She smiled. "But we'll try our hardest."

"Thank you." I tried to smile, but it didn't really work.

I was sitting on the couch of my comfy home in New York City, the news was about to come on.

I heard the front door of the apartment open and Sammy walked inside.

"Hey babe." He smiled and kissed me.

"Hello. How was work?" I asked.

"Pretty good." Was all he said.

Just then the news flashed on the screen.

"Good evening everyone." The announcer said.

"Tonight we have a heart warming story. After 6 years of being in a coma a boy finally wakes up. Casy will report this story from Los Angles, California."

The TV changed settings and they were in front of a hospital.

"Today Matthew Espinosa woke up from his six year coma." Casy started.

My mouth dropped open and as I looked at the screen and saw a picture of Matt appear.

"The first words he said were 'Skyler! Baby I'm okay.'" Casy reported.

My eyes started to tear up and I almost started to cry.

"He was shocked to know that he had been in a coma for six years, and that his girlfriend of one year had left him."

Matt appeared on the screen again, except instead of a picture it was a video.

He was crying.

"I can't believe she left, she's gone. I miss her so much. Skyler if your watching this just know I love you and I always will." He sniffled and the camera cut off.

After I left Matt I had gotten into photography.

My boss Grace called me in early so we could have a meeting. This could be good or bad news.

"Skyler." She smiled. "Come on in."

I sat down and Grace started to speak again.

"One of the photographers in Los Angles wants you to do a photo shoot with him!"

"Are you serious?" I asked excitedly.

"Yes! He wants to meet with you asap. In two days to be exact. So you should start packing for your trip!" She smiled and handed me a plane ticket.

"Thank you." I smiled and left the room.

I was going to go back to LA. Honestly I really do miss it.

"Good evening beautiful." Sammy smiled as he walked into the kitchen.

He hugged me from behind and lightly kissed my neck.

"Hey Sammy. You'll never guess what happened today." I smiled.

"What? Tell me Skyler."

I told him about the photographer and that I'm going to LA.

"That's amazing Skyler!" Sammy smiled picked me up.

He placed a kiss on my lips and set me back down.

I turned around to grab food out of the fridge and heard Sammy mumble something.

"What was that?" I asked turning around.

He looked up at me like he was worried.

"What about Matt?" He asked.

"What about him?" I replied.

"What if you fall in love with him again?" Sammy's jaw clenched.

"I won't fall in love with him, Sammy. For all I know I might not even see him." I reassured him.

"Promise?" He asked.

"Promise." I smiled.

"Ehh I'm too lazy to cook lets just order pizza." I said throwing all the stuff I had out back in the fridge and grabbing my phone.
sorry fam !!!
byeee ✌🏻️

Figuring out the bad boy // Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now