Chapter 1

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Vancouver, BC
November 2nd, 2019

I walked in to my trailer after a long day filming. I was absolutely exhausted.

I walked through the door, kicked off my shoes and lied down on the couch.

After laying there for a while, I heard a knock on my trailer door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Just me" I heard Owen say as he walked in.

He sat down next to me on the couch, running a hand through his hair.

"What's up?"

"Nothing, I was just getting ready to leave. Today felt so long" I tell him.

"I agree."

I felt his eyes on me and I turn to face him.

"What are you looking at?' I questioned.

"Nothing" he responded, shrugging.

I shifted my position on the couch, turning the other way now.

"Wanna get out of here?" he asked me with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, I'd like that" I responded.

He offered a hand to help me up from the couch , and we headed out of my trailer and into Owen's car.

We decided it was best if he drove since, well I'm not the best driver.

Once we were on the road, Owen starting blasting music with the windows down, making me very embarrassed.

As soon as What makes you beautiful by One Direction started playing, Owen and I both knew the words by heart and started singing.

"You don't know you're beautiful Oh-Woah-Woah, that's what makes you beautiful!" Owen and I sang together bursting out laughing as we drove through downtown Vancouver.

I let Owen convince to let me get food from a burger place downtown that he said was good, as we started pulling through the drive through.

As soon as we got our food we started driving around downtown Vancouver trying to find some where to eat our food.

"We could just take the food back to Charlie and I's apartment" he said, "If that's okay with you".

"Yeah, that sounds good" I tell him, shifting to face I'm in the passenger seat.

"Alrighty" he said before heading towards his apartment.

"Your apartment is right around here right? ", He asked, one hand on the wheel the other pointing outside.

"Yeah, just a couple blocks actually. I didn't know we lived this close" I told him, a smile playing on my lips.

"Here we are" he announces, pulling in to the garage and parking.

"Great" I say as a grab our bag of food, "will Charlie be here?".

"Yeah probably, unless he's out with Jer or something. Why?" He asks, shutting his car door and before we begin to walk up the stairs.

"Just wondering" I shrug.

"Hey Charlie! Brea and I are here!" He yells.

"Oh hey guys, I'm in here!" Charlie yells from his bedroom.

"Cool we brought food!" Owen yells making me ears hurt.

"Could you guys please stop yelling? You're hurting my ears" I tell him, as I see Charlie walk out from his bedroom.

"What's that?" Charlie says sleepily, rubbing his eyes like he just woke up from a nap.

"I said, could you guys please stop yelling from all the way across the apartment?!" I say loudly, earning laughs from both of the boys.

"Yeah yeah whatever. We have food though!" Owen says happily, taking our burgers and fries out of the bag.

"From my favorite burger place, yes!" Charlie says loudly, taking out the last burger from the bag.

"So how was filming today, B? Manageable?" Charlie asks, in between bites of food.

"Yeah, it was pretty okay I guess. How about you?" I ask, taking a drink of water.

"Oh it was fine, Mads and I did a couple scenes and practiced Perfect Harmony a couple times, the usual" he says, smiling.

"Someone seems quiet" I say, referring towards Owen who hasn't really said a word since we started eating.

"Just tired" he mumbles, throwing away his trash.

"Me too, I should probably get home" I tell him, standing up from my chair.

"I can drive you home" Owen says grabbing his keys on the counter.

"It's fine, I can walk it's only 3 blocks" I tell him, our eyes meeting for a split second.

"Nonsense, let me drive you it's cold outside" he says one last time before I give in.

"Fine fine, I'll surrender" I joke, putting my hands in the air.

Owen laughs and shakes his head as we save bye the Charlie who's almost passed out on the couch by the time we start leaving.

"Bye Charlie, I'll be back in 10" Owen says, as I wave goodbye before he shuts the door behind me.

I didn't realize how tired I was until I had passed out in the passenger seat of Owen's car.

He noticed this, and kept driving.

When we got to my apartment, he woke me up.

I could tell he felt bad and spoke quietly.

"Sorry" he whispered and helped me get out of the car and up to my apartment.

"Thank you" I whispered half asleep.

"Of course."

I got in bed and moved around before finally getting comfortable and drifting to sleep.

I was so glad it was Friday and I could sleep in the next day.

Just friends - Owen JoynerWhere stories live. Discover now