Evelynn, please believe me

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It was like our lips were made for each other, as cheesy as it sounds it's true. I slowly put my hands around her neck. She grabbed my thigh and put it around her waist. I deepened the kiss. She tapped my other leg and it didn't take two seconds before my legs were around her and I was off the ground against a locker.

I broke the kiss and looked at her, she moved me up against the locker more making her grind against me. I moaned and then grabbed the back of her neck and started the kiss. Her tongue licked my bottom lip and I opened my mouth and let her tongue roam freely. She moved her hips again and I moaned again. I broke the kiss and moved to her neck "Hayes.."

I didn't listen and went down more, I was on the side of her neck and kissed around till she stiffened at a certain kiss. I smirked and kissed it and carefully bit it and then licked it. She let out a breath and I kept kissing " Evelynn.. Fuck." She groaned, her hands were on my ass and she gave it a little squeeze before fixing her grip. I stayed there until I made a good enough mark and then pulled back and faced her.

" Don't be a bitch on the field again Darlington." I hissed before getting off of her and grabbing my bag. I looked at her and she looked starstruck, I smiled at her love bit and then left.


Once I got to my house I took a shower and started packing.  I packed up most of the living room before my mom came home. " Hey darling! Heard you met Amelia." I nodded, she took a seat on the couch " yeah, she seems nice." My mom made a 'mhm' sound.

" How's Leia? James texted me saying you guys we're going to kill each other." I nodded " We're great, off the field. But once we get on it we end on tackling each other or pissed." She probably nodded " talk to her about it then." I grabbed the tape roll.

Yeah, that'll be amazing if I could do it without kissing her.

" We do at the end, we work it out someway." She nods. " Have anything important for school tomorrow?" I finished the box " No, maybe notes but that's it, why?" I turned and faced her for the first time since we started talking.

" You have a week left of school Evelynn, this Friday is your last day." I nodded " I think I can call the school and say you're staying home for some reason, and then we can pack all day. We're behind schedule." I nodded " Actually please do, I don't think I can show my face in school after I attacked Leia." She laughed and nodded. I ended up making spicy chicken wraps and then we packed more of the living room.

"Okay, go to bed Eve, we can finish tomorrow." I nodded and said goodnight and then made my way upstairs. I took a shower and then got in bed and closed my eyes.


For the love of god.

Well shit, does this mess up our friendship? I have no idea. I groaned into my pillow and fell asleep.

I woke up to my mom saying, " I'm getting donuts." But it sounded like French, like when you wake me up and try talking to me it's going to sound like French until I can understand anything. I nodded and she left. I got up and put on shorts and a sports bra.

I looked at the time and ran to my phone, I called her and on the fourth ring she answered " yeah?" I walked downstairs " wanna skip school and come over? I need help packing." I heard her laugh " Wow Hayes looks like I'm making you a bad child." I laughed " you coming or not?" I looked at the living room " yeah, yeah. Don't have to much fun before I get there." I laughed and hung up.

My mom opened the door and then ran upstairs " I have work! I forgot!" I laughed and she walked up to me and kissed my cheek " I'll be back, have Leia or Jaz come over to help." I nodded " Leia is coming." She nodded and then left. I walked over to the donut and ate it.

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