👀Office👀 (pt2)

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" Babe!"

I turn to the office door and sign again, Leia's been a pain in my ass for about a few weeks now, but lately it seems a bit worse.

" Coming!" I yelled back before setting down my cleaning sprey.

While she's doing office work I'm cleaning around the house, the kids went to my moms for the night and now I'm cleaning.

Motherhood did me dirty.

I wouldn't change a thing cause I love my babies with everything, but sometimes I like to think what it would've been like without them.

Probably boring.

But even now I wouldn't change it for the world.

I checked that everything was okay to leave alone, after I left the oven on once with something inside and it melted, I was never the same.

Especially when it was Milo's plastic pizza and he cried for a week about it. In his defense he wanted 'to cook my own pizza.'

I walked to her office and strolled in, watching as she was typing on her computer.

"You called?" She looked over with a nod and motioned me over.

"We need to talk." She said blankly which scared the shit out of me, last time she said that we had a sit down conversation about Myra even after we brought her home.

I walked over and sat on her lap sideways.

"Yes?" I answered and she put her hands on my waist.

"We haven't had sex in weeks Evelynn, and I want to talk to you about it." She said but before I could say anything she beat me to it.

"I don't want to be one of those couples who stop having sex after kids and have to use their fingers. Like I miss having you under me screaming for me to go h-" I cut her off with a kiss and straddled her waist.

I broke the kiss and she looked at me with lustful eyes.

" I was scared that you wouldn't like me because of my body... being a mom to our beautiful kids has me putting on some weight and I don't know if you-"

She cut me off this time.

"Baby.. there's nothing in this world that'll make me ever think you're nothing but beautiful. And holy shit." She moaned out before moving me just above her.

"If you think you having a bigger ass and thighs is gonna make me think different, I think I need to teach you a lesson on why I think not." She stated before kissing me.

I moaned happily when her tongue invaded my mouth.

I pulled back and looked her in the eyes with the straightest face I could muster, "even if I was a smurf?" I asked before leaning down and kissing behind her ear on the 35 tattoo she has there.

"We would be some gayass smurfs then." She said before putting her hand on my neck and using her thumb and index finger to move my head back in front of her.

She smiled softly at me before kissing me again.

I sighed happily into the kiss and started to unbutton her shirt.

Even when she works at home she ' likes to dress professionally so shes in her working mood.'

Once I got to the last button I moved it off her shoulders and she started to take off my pants, or lack of them.

I put on a oversized shirt, that definitely isn't Leia's.. and some spandex and called it a day.

I lifted myself up so I was on my knees and she moved the pants down until they were at my knees and had me sit down again and she moved the rest away.

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