👀 Want 👀

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She nodded and picked me up being careful with my foot, and walked me to her room. I watched her for sometime before smirking and leaning down to her neck. I kissed around gently, just sweet nice small kisses. Before I kissed her and felt her shiver underneath me. I smiled and stayed there and began sucking.

" Evelynn.." she mumbled getting closer to her room. I smirked and bit down on her neck which made a moan escape her throat. I smiled and kept sucking until I heard a door close. I removed myself from her neck and looked at her. "Just in case." I nodded and she gently put me down on the bed.

" Take off my boot please?" She nodded and took it off being gentle with my foot. " Evelynn are you sure you want this?" I watched her but my boot on the floor and just sit on the edge of the bed. " Yes I'm 100% sure I want you to fuck me up." She watched me for a moment before coming up on top of me and kissing me gently. " I'm going to guess I'm going to be top this time. Hm?" I nodded " yeah, and only because of my foot. Don't let this get to your head Darlington." She nodded and kissed my lips.

Fireworks, fireworks were irrupting in my stomach. No butterfly, it's fireworks. Everything right now was gone. I feel like I'm on my cloud nine. She moved her hands from the sides of me and traced down my body. From my collar bones down. She went over my breast pressing down slightly before going down my abdomen. Once she made it to the bottom of my shirt she tugged on it slightly. I moved to wear she got it off never breaking our hot and messy kissing.

Once she got it off and tossed it to the side she broke the kiss and looked at my body. " Fuck Evelynn." She mumbled, her fingers were trailing my abdomen. I leaned forward so now she was straddling me. I moved her head a little and started going at her jawline.I felt her whole body tense up, which pleased me to know I have that effect on her.

Her hands moved from resting on my hips to her index fingers tracing up my back to my bra. She hovered over it before unhooking it. Once she did that, I moved my hands to where she could take it off. Once it was off she took a moment to look at them before leaning down and kissing my collarbone. She pushed me back down on the bed and stayed with her legs on my sides. She moved down and one hand cupped my breast.

I let out a gasp, she kept kneading it before her thumb traced over my nipple, making it harden on impact. I move and arched my back a little bit and I felt her smirk against my skin. She kissed the spot between my breast before moving and kissing my breast. I let out a small moan when she kissed me and cupped me with both of her hands.

She sat up and looked at me for a moment. "Never thought you'd actually be a bottom." I put my hands on her hips and rolled them against me. " I can be a power bottom if that's what you want." Her lips were slightly apart and she moved her head back a little bit.

She's gorgeous

She came out of her moment and leaned back down and kissed me. I smiled and rocked my hips against hers which made both of us moan against each other's mouths.

" Leia stop being so slow" I mumbled into the kiss. " Impatient are we?" I nodded and she hovered over my lips. "Very much so, I'm hot and bothered and need you to do something about it." She smirked and nodded before kissing me again. I kissed her back, a little confused on why she-
" fuck!" I said against her lips as her hand made it's way above my panties, gently rubbing me.

She laid it there for a second before moving it. I arched my back. " Leia... no teasing... please! Oh my god!" She smirked and kissed my neck and retraced her hand and unzipped my pants. She moved from my neck and got up at the end of the bed and took off my pants, leaving me in my underwear. " I don't want to be the only one naked." I said looking her up and down. She nodded and took off her shirt and bra, she stripped from her pants leaving her as vulnerable as me. She got back on top of me and straddled me.

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