The Ball

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I just want to say, I was listening to a girl explain a murder case while writing this ( Helps me to keep writing and not get bored and stop) ANYWAYS the story was HEAVY dark so I used this chapter to cope with the wrong decison to even type while listening, anyways. My fault. BUT YEAH! If this is too happy that's why.

I didn't talk the whole ride, thankfully it was like 3 minutes away.

" Evelynn please talk or say something to me." I kept looking out the window already in a very very very shitty mood. I felt Leia's hand start massaging my hip. I leaned back in the seat and put my head on Leia's shoulder looking down at our laps.

" We're here my love." She whispered in my ear. I nodded and the door open, Ty and Jazmin where the first out, and then Blaine and Kurt.

" Love we're next, we have to take pictures on the red carpet." I nodded and she got out and then held her hand out for me. I smiled and took it and got out and smoothly straightened out my skirt. I swear I almost went blind on the lights that were flashing.

" Evelynn!"
" Evelynn!"
" Look here Evelynn!"
" Are you lesbian Evelynn?"
" Faggot!"

I flinched when I heard it, Leia tightened her grip around my waist. She led me behind Ty and Jazmin and Kurt and Blaine. " Just pose and follow what they yell." I nod " You doing it with me?" She nodded and we walked onto the red carpet. I walked onto an X on the floor and Leia was behind me and guided me to a pose. I moved my head in many angles and then turned and faced Leia with a smirk.

" Baby." I whispered, she turned to me and I kissed her, I've never heard more camera clicks. Her hands reacted smoothly and put then around my waist. I pulled back and smirked and used my thumb to sipe off my lip stick that was on her lips.

Her pupils are so dilated I didn't see hazel anymore. I smiled and took her hand and kept walking down the charpet. " You're a little minx." She whispered into my ear. We walked past the red carpet, and that was done and over with. Now it was reporters. Leia smiled and led me to a reporter.

" Starting Jim?" The camera man nodded. She talks to Leia about the hospital and how big of a deal it is. " And finally, wanna introduce this beautiful woman to me?" I felt the tension suddenly start. " Yes.." She pulled me close " I'm happy to introduce my girlfriend, Evelynn Hayes. She's a new player for the new soccer team." The reporter ate it up like chicken. " Amazing! How is it being with Leia?" I smiled " It's amazing really, she treats me like a queen!" I said happily, the reporter nodded and Leia ended the interview and kept her hand around my waist and helped me into a giant room with many tables and a stage.

She walked up to the front and without even talking people noticed her and moved their chairs for room for her. We made it to the front and where one of the 3 tables in the very front.

" Here love." She mumbled pulling out my chair and helping me sit down. " Thank you." She hummed and sat next to me. " How's your foot?" I smiled " it's good, I feel okay. Little sore but I can work through it." She nodded and then reached up for a spoon and hit her glass with it. A waiter moments later appeared.

"What may I serve you Ms. Darlington?" She smiled " the fruitiest wine please?" The worker nodded " anything else?" she shook her head and he disappeared. "You don't like wine?" I asked, she turned to me and put on a small smile " when I have to sit here for about 4 hours I don't get picky." I let out a laugh and nodded.

The worker came back and put the wine in the bucket of ice. I thanked him and he went away again. Leia opened it and poured myself and then herself a glass. I took a sip and let out a small moan of happiness.

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