New Games

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Author's note: SOOOO!!!!!! It's Leia's POV and it's 5 years into the future so that means..

Leia- 23

Evelynn- 22

Jamin- 22

Amelia- 21


Olivia- 7

I'm just saying now when I'm bored I do a time jump ( like this) or I kill off someone. I also want to say a HUGE thank you to @ps4257 thank you for commenting and voting as well as reading! I truly do appreciate it! If you comment and vote in the next chapters I'll give you a shout out! As a thank you! The chapter will be detected to you as well!.. So yeah! Enjoy!


" Olivia I swear to god if we're late I'm going to be mad!" I yelled up the stairs. She came running down shortly after in her red and blue tutu.

" Coming!" I laughed as she almost tripped down the stairs. " Is Levi sure he doesn't want to come? I still have an extra ticket, VIP seats!" Olivia rolled her eyes, " He's going to play games, and his friend is coming over later." I nodded " Right Ms. Sassy." She giggling and put on her vans, I bought us matching shoes. I thought it would be cute. We walked out and went into my car.

" So Olivia you never said why you like this team so much." I said driving us to the stadium. " Well, I met one of them when I was like 5 and she looked like a princess, and you and... and you play it so I wanted to get into it." I knew she was going to say her name, she's had some slip ups. I'm surprised she even remembers Evelynn, it's been 5 years. I've finished high school and college and I've taken over my dads business. You wouldn't think so much could happen in 5 years but I was proven wrong. Not only have I but also the people around me.

" Are we almost there?" Olivia whined from the back seat. I laughed " Not close." She whined and I moved and handed her my phone. " Have at it, you know where your games are and where Netflix is." She nodded and took my phone. I turned on the radio.

" I don't know about you Janet but I'm exited for today's game, the Rovers are on a roll, not one goal in the box and winning each game, state is nerve wracking wonder how the girls are doing." I sighed and switched the channel. A random pop song started playing. The drive wasn't as long as I intended, so now we're extra early. I pulled into the stadium and parked with the help of a worker.

" Right, Olivia." I looked in my review mirror and saw she was asleep. I laughed and got out. I opened the back door and picked her up. She moved around a little before laying her head in the crook of my neck. I grabbed my phone and wallet and shut and locked the car. I walked into the entrance, the smell of greasy food hitting my nostrils. I walked by the cotton candy station. Olivia started wiggling around. I smiled and held her tighter. I walked to the help desk.

" Hello how may I help you?" The worker asked. " I have VIP tickets.. here." I handed her my tickets. " You have three and two people?" She asked looking around. " Whoever comes here next give them the ticket." She smiled and nodded. " Well here." She opened a box and handed me two necklace passes. " Thank you." She nodded and got up and walked around the desk. " follow me." I walked behind her and we made our way onto the field.

There was a small area with seating and tables. Right behind the players area. I was spot in the middle. " Here you are, there's a helper stationed in here for you." I nodded and she left. I started rocking to wake up Olivia. I looked around in the meantime. It's your typical soccer field, well maybe besides the size. Olivia's birthday was a week ago and she wanted to come to a game and so I bought us tickets. For being seven she loves the game, maybe cause I'm always playing it with her.

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