The Match

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She smirked at me " If you wanted to get under me so badly you could've said so." I rolled my eyes and looked away for a second, I turned back to her and realized the position we were in. 

She had a leg in between mine and if she moved an inch she would make me moan. Something I'd regret doing, she looked down at me. It was like a light bulb went off in her head. She put on a sly smirk while looking at me. " You know.." She started.

I turned and saw Jaz walking over to us. I turned back to her " we're at a game, get off of me you dick lover." I spat before I pushed her off of me and she landed next to me on her ass. 

" You okay Eve?" I nodded " yeah I'm fine, can't say the same for my head though." I got up slowly with the help of Jazmin's hand.

" You okay Hayes?" I heard my coach yell. I nodded and did a thumbs up. Jazmin let go of my hand.

 " Then get your ass up there! The game is still on your majesty." I laughed " I will then focus my attention back on the game for you, my wonderful peasant." She scoffed and put her hand on her chest " Your majesty!" I laughed and turned back to the game. 

" Mack needs help." Jaz said looking ahead at the game that was still going. I nodded and she started  walking back to her spot. I then jogged up to where the game was happening.

" You alright Eve?" Jill asked me, I nodded and then saw an opening " take it!" Jill said, guarding me. I ran and stole the ball. Once I got it I dribbled up to the goal making sure I'm not off sides and shot. I watched the ball go nicely into the top left corner. I smiled and then felt people tackle me.

 " Good job Eve!" I laughed and we walked back to our starting points. I played for the first half and had to sit out during the first 10 minutes of the second half. " You sure your okay Hayes?" I nodded " yeah, I think I am at least." James let out a weak laugh. " Can't have the captain hurting herself during the first 3 minutes of the game." I laughed weakly. I looked back up at the field. My eyes followed the field until they met a familiar hazel set of eyes.

"Dick lover." I said, keeping the stare " what's that Hayes?" I looked away from her and saw James looking at me confused.

 " I was clearing my throat sorry." He nodded and turned back to the game and so did I.

 I watched Jazmin take the ball from the attacker and kick it half way across the field " Yes peasant!" I hollered from the side line. I got a few glares but the people who looked had on a smile or a confused face.

 " Hayes go in for Ava." I nodded and walked to the side line, I waited until someone kicked the ball out. I watched the ref singled for me to come in. A hand grabbed my wrist right as I was stepping on the field. I turned and saw James " the jacket Hayes." I looked down and realized I had on a jacket still. " Right." I mumbled I took it off and handed it to him. I then thanked him and ran onto the field clapping hands with Ava.

I walked to where she was and looked at the players and studied everything. " I would've thought you knew you had on a jacket." I turned and saw the same girl from earlier. Her teammate was getting ready to throw in the ball "I didn't notice" I mumbled.

Once the ball left her teammates hands the girl ran over and snatched the ball. I rolled my eyes and jogged behind watching her. She went through our defense and scored. She was smiling as she turned around. She ran past me " didn't know dick lovers could do that, know did you?" I turned and watched her run back to her spot on her side of the field.

 " Darlington huh?" I said under my breath looking at the back of her jacket. " She seems nice, looks like she wants a war with you my majesty." I turned and saw Jaz. " A mini war right now seems interesting my humble serpent." I hummed walking back to center position.

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