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Darlington turned to me " Are you okay?" She asked " Oh my god.... Hayes." She whispered the last part.

 I fell back against the wall wincing at my head, she moved up in front of me " Are you hurt?" She asked in a soft voice. I got off the wall and looked at my bag just wanting to go home and eat and forget this.

" I think I busted my head open." I said in a low voice. She came closer slowly and reached for my shoulder. I flinched " I'm just looking." She said in a whisper. " Okay it isn't that bad, do you have a kit anywhere?" She asked. " Yeah in the back of my car." I said feeling the tears dry on my cheeks.

 " Okay show me the way, I'll clean it up." I nodded after thinking it over and went to pick up my bag but she beat it to me. " Not today, now show me the way." I looked at her about to tell her off but she was being charming for once since we met.

We walked and turned the corner heading to the parking lot. I stopped dead in my tracks as I saw the girl getting on the bus. Darlington moved closer to me and put her arm on my shoulder gently. " She won't hurt you." She said in a soft tone. I nodded and we walked to my jeep.

 Why is she being nice to me is the only thought going on in my head. I met her and pretty much broke up her sex that night. And then I meet her again and her body is pressed up against mine. Why do we always seem to meet and it has to be sexual of some sorts? Something about her felt off but not as in ' she's a murder and will kill you at the first chance' but more of like 'I've known her all my life and we grew distant and then are just now talking again.' Just met her and she's already confusing the living fucks out of me.

I opened the back and pulled out the kit. " Here." I said. " Get up there." She said motioning to the back of my jeep. I nodded and sat up there. 

She opened the kit and moved it around a bit before humming a little once she found what she was looking for. She took a step closer, " can you move your legs a little..? And move your head to the side?" She asked , I moved my legs and turned my head, cautiously of course. She moved my hair a little and then placed a wet cloth. 

" Ow! Shit!" She must've put something on it cause it stings like a bitch.

" Don't cuss." She mumbled " It hurts! How can I not cuss?" I asked " I don't like cussing, hold onto me if it hurts." She said dabbing the cloth. She said it like my pain isn't affecting her, not that it would but I would show some mercy if she was in my place. 

I grabbed her side arm and held it. If I was going to be in pain she was too.

" Last time." She whispered and then dabbed around again. I squeezed her arm, she sucked in some air and then blew it out of her mouth. " I'm going to put a band-aid on it okay?" She said, I nodded.

 With the hand I wasn't still hanging onto she pulled out a clean cloth and then put it on the back of my head carefully and then wrapped cloth around my head to keep it in place. 

" I feel like this looks weird." I said " Looks like a bandanna, well a.. stylish one." I let out a small laugh and let go of her hand. She grabbed a tissue from the kit and held it to my face.

 " Just wiping your tears and snot." She said gently. I nodded and closed my eyes and let her. For someone who talks with a dirty mouth and appears intimidating she has a sweet side for when your hurt.

" I'm sorry about Quinn, she's had warnings before about this stuff and now she's off the team so don't worry about her." She said calmly. " You're not the one who could've gotten raped." I said without thinking. I opened my eyes and saw her looking at the ground for a moment. " You could've, I stopped her. Sometimes it's better to be late than never show up." She said quietly looking back up and cleaning up the bloody clothes. "I'm sor-" She cut me off " It's fine."

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