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I woke up to feeling warm, I turned and saw the sun shining through the window. I smiled and moved a little more until I saw Leia's face. Her hair was all over the place but still looked put together. I smiled and kissed her forehead and cheeks.

" This is a nice way to wake up, I could get used to this." I smiled and kissed her. " I know." She smiled and opened her eyes and pulled me close. "Let's shower yeah?" I nodded and sat up. I looked around for a second before moving and hopping to the bathroom.

" You know one day your just going to fall." I let out a laughed and made my way to the sinks to hang on to something. " Hurry up! Your bathroom is cold as shit!" She let out a laugh and shortly joined me in the bathroom. " I had to text Jade saying I'll be a little late today." I hummed in response and she walked over to the shower.

" No Leia, the bath." She turned at me and raised a brow before nodding and walking over and turning on the water. " You know what?"" She said stepping back from the water and looking fully at me now. " Come here" She said smiling and mumbling it a little before walking over to me. " What now?" I asked, she's weirdly acting all lovey dovey. " I'm going to make this nice." I raised a brow and tilted my head at her. " I'm going to take you back to the bed, nothing sexual Jesus Eve." She said kissing the tip of my nose. " I was thinking nothing of the sorts ma'am." She rolled her eyes and put her hands under my ass and picked me up. I let my hurt leg flow loosely and the other one stayed wrapped around her waist.

" What are you planning Ms. Darlington?" I asked obviously curious. " Call Jade and tell her I won't be in for the whole day today. It's an us day. I'm taking you on a date after this." I smiled and kissed her, a sweet nice quick kiss. " 'Mkay" I said as she put me down and handed me her phone. She walked back to the bathroom and shut the door. I unlocked her phone and opened it going to her contacts. I clicked on Jade and put the phone to my ear.

" You coming early now?" She said with a small laugh at the end. I rolled my eyes " Funny, no she's not coming in at all today, cancel her meetings." I said with no emotion in my voice. Something about Jade feels wrong with me. Maybe it's cause of how close her and Leia are? Maybe I just don't know her, but something about her screams ' I'll murder you when you least expect it.'

" Evelynn?" I hummed in response " Okay, yeah I'll get right on it." I smiled "lovely." And took the phone away from my ear and hung up. I put it on her bed and moved and grabbed my phone. I went to Instagram and mindlessly scolded through my feed. I smiled when I saw a text from Jordyn come up.

" Hey!" I smiled and clicked the call button, I'm to lazy to text right now. " Hey Jo how are you?" I asked once she picked up and answered. " I'm good, a little nervous." I titled my head even though I know she can't see me. " Why? Is something wrong?" She let out a nervous laugh " No, I'm at my appointment." I facepalmed.

" The one about the gender?" I heard her hum in response. " I just wanted to know if you want me to find out the gender or if we should wait?" I mentally groaned. " Oh... can we wait till I get back? Just have the doctor tell you if the baby is healthy and then when you come here we can throw a baby shower." I heard someone talking in the back. " I'm going now, thanks for calming me down." I hummed and she hung up. I signed and put my phone down and laid down.

I haven't toll anyone there I'm moving here, yeah it's official I'm moving here. Not just cause of Leia, but this place and the soccer team is better. More of my speed and it pays better. Everything overall is just better here. Even when it rains like every other day. I rubbed my temple. I mean how do you explain to your pretty much surrogate that you're moving? To a random house and a new school, new everything? So far with the 2 months that I'v known her, I've fed her bathed ( not actually, but given her a place to bathe) her and gave her everything she needs. To keep my baby safe.

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