This shit is bananas

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I nodded slowly and pulled into the driveway.

" I'm engaged." I said unbuckling myself and getting out to wake up Olivia.

She woke up and walked in the house. Probably straight to bed. I walked to Evelynn's door. I leaned in and unbuckled her. I lifted her out and walked into the house. I smiled at everyone who's  dead ass silent.

Evelynn looked up and smiled.

"Hello everyone!" Everyone rushed and hugged us. " Hey careful!" I hissed out, everyone back up. I blushed " sorry, she hurt her foot." I said before moving her to the living room. I set her down on the couch and then grabbed a pillow and propped her foot up. " Need something? Water? Juice? Tea?" I asked her she put on a soft smile. " Tea would be nice." I nodded and stood up " the same?" She nodded and then I left to the kitchen. I turned on the kettle.

" That's the most emotion I've seen you give someone besides Olivia in five years." I turned and saw Juliette. " Right." I mumbled moving and grabbing a tea bag. " Do you feel the same?" She asked me. I watched the water pour into the cup. " Honestly? Probably. I know it's buried deep down in me, she just needs to light it." She nodded " what about Carolina?" She asked me. I watched the water change colors.

" I'm engaged, not married. And we both know it's a publicity stunt." She let out a weak laugh.

"Right." I nodded and took out the tea bag and walked back over to Evelynn. "Your tea." I said holding it out to her. Amelia was on the end of the couch talking to her, well everyone is. She took it and gave me a weak smile. I nodded and walked over to a chair.

" So enough about me, what did I miss?" She asked everybody. Amelia started talking about school and her twenty-first birthday. And then Mason talked about the company a little and the wedding. Evelynn nodded. Then Jamin started, talking about me and collage.

" Wait, Darlington you became more of a bitch?" She asked me. I smiled " Oh darling you don't know." I sassed back with a smile, I looked around and saw everyone's mouth hanging wide open. " What did I miss?" Evelynn asked from the couch. Everyone coughed and fixed themselves.

" She hasn't smiled like that in five years." My mom mumbled from the couch. I nodded and got up. " Right, well my stay here is over due. Nice meeting you again Hayes. I need to get back to work." I said stepping back doing a slight bow and walking to my car. I didn't want to be here anymore than I need to be. Seeing her is breaking me more than it needs to be. I grabbed my keys and walked out the door. I unlocked my car and got in. Seattle was only about a 2 hour drive from here.I'm not home as much as I'd like to be but that's fine by me. I stopped at a stop sign and watched the cars go by. I drove a little more until I read the sign.

" Leaving? Come back anytime!" A weird ass slogan if you ask me.

I turned on the radio and tapped my fingers against the sterling wheel. A few minutes turned to hours and now I'm pulling up. Not to my house driveway no, but to a bar. I'm drinking today away. I parked my car and got out. I walked in, I walked over to the bar and took a seat. I put my keys on the table.

" Haven't seen you in a while." I looked up and saw Joe I nodded. " Right, I only seem to come here when I need to drink away my problems instead of facing them. He nodded. I handed him my keys. " Call me an Uber, you know my address." He nodded and took my keys. So what will it be today?" I smirked. " Get me 9 shots of vodka." He looked at me for a second before nodding and lining up the glasses.

I'm sure as hell not a lightweight. After taking over the company and having a mini bar in the same room as you, you learn how much alcohol you can take. He poured the vodka and then looked at me one last time before it started.

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