I know I didn't stutter bitch

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Warnings: Sexual scene, and mature language

We stood there, me with her finger still under my chin, our lips touching and fire works in my stomach. She parted our lips and I opened my eyes to meet hazel ones.

I smiled and leaned in again and kissed her. I put my arms around her neck and she moved her's to my waist. I pulled her closer and deepened the kiss. I started walking her to the bed. She got the hint and moved as well.

She sat down and I got on top straddling her. I bit her bottom lip and she opened her mouth for me. We fought with our tongues for a while. I smirked into the kiss and pulled away. She looked at me, I smirked and rolled my hips.

" Evelynn.." I kissed her neck. I rolled them again and she gripped my hips.

" Don't start something you can't finish." She groaned moving her neck giving me better access.

" I'm not doing anything Darlington." I said in an innocent voice. I rolled my hips once more. She let out a soft moan. As cheesy as it sounds her moan is my new favorite sound. She stood up holding me and placed me on the bed. " You know you look good under me"

I rolled my eyes " I know I would, prefer top though."

She smirked " good luck topping me Hayes." She said in a deep raspy voice

" I won't need it." I said staring into her eyes

I put my hands under her shirt. I felt her abs " Evelynn, don't start-" I kissed her.

" Who said I won't finish it?" I asked. She looked at me for a second before kissing me back I kissed her back and took off her shirt. I moved us and got on top.

" Don't fight me Darlington." She huffed. I got up and sat on top of her. " Hayes.." I smirked.

" See you at school Darlington." I said with a smile.

I got off of her and walked out, grabbing my things. I walked down the stairs and out the door to my house. My fingers lingered on my lips. You would've thought I just one the lottery with the stupid smile on my face.

I know teasing her like that is bad and maybe uncalled for. But the pleaser I get from it makes me so happy. Watching her want more and oh god.. her moaning literal music to my ears. Won't be long before I go farther, disregarding the locker room. Maybe payback for that would be fun.

I walked up my stairs and rung the doorbell. Levi opened the door, " Levi, you can't open doors without mom or dad behind you." He nodded and moved and let me in. I walked in and went straight to my room, I need to put the clothes away and shower. Maybe see if I have school work.

I walked in and put my clothes on the chair in my room and walked into the bathroom.

" Wow, this isn't a pretty sight." I turned around and turned on the shower. I felt the water and when it was fine I started to get undressed. I looked in the mirror at my stomach. It's healed a lot more better than I would've thought about. I ran my fingers over it gently. It didn't hurt as bad so that's good. After my shower I got dressed in sweat pants and then Leia's hoodie.

I walked into the kitchen to see what my mom was making for dinner. She was mixing something on the stove and Olivia was playing next to the kitchen, in my mom's view.

" Hey Eve!" She said noticing me picking up Olivia. " Hey mom." I said smiling at her but then turning my attention to Olivia. I tickled her stomach which made her irrupted into giggles.

" So did you ever meet Quinn? Such a nice girl." I stopped tickling Olivia and looked at my mom. " I don't like her." I said looking at her. She turned and saw my face. She looked at me for a second and then put her lips together.

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