The devils eyes

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Warning: Sexual things

"Darlington, Hayes. Come here."

For the second time this week Meranda called us over after practice. " You guys weren't yelling at each other! Finally! Whatever you did please keep doing it! The only thing was with you Hayes kicking the ball at Darlington too hard. But that's better than threatening to kill her." She smiled and patted my back before walking away " Put the ball and cones away!" She said walking off never getting us a chance to talk.

It's been 3 days since our locker room incident happened and we've talked but haven't talked about it. It's bugging me cause we need to talk about it. It's like nothings happened, but something CLEARLY happened in the locker room. I picked up the last ball and put it in the bag.

" Leia are you driving me home?" I asked, watching her walk up to me and putting the cones in the bag. " I drove you to school didn't I?" I nodded and closed the bag " And I have to babysit Olivia." I agreed silently, and grabbed my water and started walking to the locker room.

" You ready for the game tomorrow?" I opened the locker room door and Leia walked in. " I don't know, I'm going up against my team, I know everyone's weakness and they know mine." She nodded and took off her shirt. " You gonna tell us their weakness?" I laughed " Funny." She shrugged and put on her new shirt.

" I mean, if we win this game than it's semi finals and then finals and then state." She nodded putting on her sweat pants.  " And I don't know about you Evelynn but I'd love to win state." I finished getting dressed and put everything in my bag. " Don't we all? I'm going to play fair." She nodded and we walked to her car.

" So what do my mom and Mason do every Thursday night?" I asked as she started driving. " They're both working, Juliette is working, and then Mason is in meetings." I nodded and looked out the window.

"Do you guys gave different game jersey's?" I asked " Yeah, the one you wore is for away games and then you'll get the home game one tomorrow." I nodded " Can I still have 35?" I looked at her and she was moving her fingers against the steering wheel, something I picked up on when it's quiet or when she's nervous. " I think so, no one has 35, I mean I have 34 but that's it." I nodded, and then looked ahead to my new house. I let out a laugh and then got out. " Our numbers equal 69." I said with a dumb smile on my face. Leia let out a laugh " maybe we should try it sometime." She said turning and winking at me.

" So what do you do when you watch them?" I asked as I unlocked the door with her behind me. " Nothing much, just watch them? I sometimes bake with Livy." I nodded and walked to the stairs that lead down to my room.

" Coming Darlington?" I asked still walking down " Yeah! Soon!" I smiled to myself and then walked into my room.

I placed down my bag and started taking out my homework. After three days of going to this school I'm already behind just a little. You'd think I'd get it easy but my reputation of my grades and scores make teachers think I can do everything, even when I cry myself to sleep after doing so much work. I sat at my desk for maybe an hour before hearing " All I want for Christmas is.. Yooouuuu!" Being screamed.

I got up and walked upstairs and walked towards the music.  Walked into the kitchen and saw Olivia and Leia dancing, Leia was holding Olivia and swaying to the music. " Christmas music? It's April!" She turned to me and smiled, she put Olivia on the counter. She walked over to me and grabbed my hand and spun me into her.

" Leia what are you doing?" I asked as she flung me to face her. " Making cookies." I laughed " Haven't you had enough sweets today? You had cake at lunch." She looked away for a second before looking at me again. She leaned into me " Haven't had you so I suppose not." I felt my cheeks get red. I moved away from Leia's grasp. " Turn down the music, I'm studying. Oh! Save me cookies!" I said before walking away.

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