Then there were 4 (Epilogue pt 1)

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" Mommy!"

I turned and saw Milo running at me at full speed.

He totally got that from me.

I bent down and picked him up and threw him in the air and caught him and then kissed all over his face.

" Where's sissy?" He asked while looking around.

" Mama took her to her doctor appointment." I explained, causing him to nod.

" Miss them.." he trailed off while dramatically falling against my shoulder and pouting.

" I knew you loved me handsome boy, didn't know it was that much."

I turned with Milo in my arms and saw Leia walking in with baby Myra in her hands.

" You need to let her walk more babe." I said before leaning over and giving her a quick kiss on the lips.

" She's barley 1 give her a break." Leia mumbled before leaning down and kissing Milo all over the face.

" Hey handsome." She said with her signature smirk plastered on her beautiful face.

I smiled and looked at our beautiful family, we have myself and Leia and then Milo who's now 4 and then baby Myra who's 1.

Leia wants more and honestly I do too, but we talked about wanting them all to be biological siblings but we know that won't happen since we officially cut ties with Jorden. So the talk of adoption has been resurfacing but again, we don't know.

I zoned back into what Leia was talking to Milo about.

" Milo you can't and I can not stress this enough, you cannot color on people."

" but he wasn't being colorful!"

" Milo he's black."

" chocolate?"

Leia let out a puff of air " no baby, some people can be white, like us. Or they can be black, tan, or even blue. But you gotta be careful for the blue ones. There slimy." She explained to him carefully, he nodded along showing he understood.

" Just because you hates Smurfs doesn't mean he has to." I said while walking away with Milo and having a sputtering Leia follow me.

" Babe! Think about it. Why are they so small and blue? It's like not normal!" She said while playing Myra in her bouncy seat.

The baby let out a series of giggles and moved around.

" I'm gonna make him watch smurfs." I said while playing Milo next to his color supplies, he has a natural thing for it.

" You wouldn't dare."

" Oh I would."

" no you wouldn't."

" I'm the top remember?" I said with a sly smirk on my face.

" What's a top?"

Leia and I both turned to Milo and Leia started stuttering and messing up common English.

" Nothing baby, just nothing." Milo seemed content with that and went back to coloring.

I smiled and walked my way into the kitchen.

" You're evil." Leia mumbled from behind me before she came and wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed my neck.

" I know, you remind me every time I mention you being submissive."

She let out a small huff and started to suck on my neck.

" L-Leia.."

" I love how after all this time your still so sensitive. Your body just knows who's in charge and has no problem with it." She explains while a hand travels down my stomach and stops before my sweatpants.

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