Baby.. or Babies..

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So... teatime- I got bored again and got a lot of people asking for a part 2 or at least an epilogue, so! Here we are😌
Your gonna hate me more, so sorry in advance!
Enjoy my loves 😘

I dropped it, I dropped my phone and watched it shatter, oops..
" Evelynn? Baby what's wrong?" Leia slowly walks up to me and wraps her arms around me. " Why is your phone shattered?" I looked away and turned to Leia. " Jordyn is going into Labor.." I mumbled, her face stayed stood cold. It was almost like the words registered in her head. " She's having the baby? Like right now?" I hummed. She stayed still for a moment before backing away from me and jumping around.

" THE BABYS COMING!!!" She yelled and started running around the house grabbing the bag and our bags. I laughed and followed around her and listened to her give me instructions. I listened to her cause I'm still in a state of shock and not really here right now.

" Okay I think that's everything!" She said checking the bags for the third time this night. She clapped her hands and turned to me. She sighed and walked up to me and brought me into her arms.

" Little peanut is coming." She said calmly against me. " I know I just don't know if I can see her again." I said backing away from her and turning to pick up a bag. " It's going to be okay, you don't have to talk to her just sit and watch, baby I'll be next to you the whole time okay?" I hummed and leaned up and let her kiss my forehead.

" Let's go have a baby yeah?" My face broke out into the biggest smile " yeah."


" Just follow me down this hall.." the doctor trailed off leading us to a door. " She's in there, she's around 9 cm dilated right now, she's progressing nicely. The baby should be out in about a half an hour, maybe longer or shorter I don't know." I smiled and nodded and the doctor lead us into the birthing room. I walked in behind Leia and the doctor. Leia stayed towards the door and I stood next to her.

" I was informed about this case, I have these seats for you guys." The doctor motioned to the chairs right next to Leia. Leia sat down and I took the one next to her.

The ground looks very interesting right now. So much white, I think that one is died a little pink though.

A piercing scream broke the rooms awkward silence, well besides the machines beeping.

I looked up and saw Jordyn on the bed with her arms cuffed to the bed. I looked at the cuffs and then looked up her arms to her face. She looks the same but that doesn't mean anything. I looked to her stomach and saw the bump. I smiled at it, my little baby is coming out. I smiled at the thought.

" Okay let's check and see if the baby is ready." The doctor hummed before getting on a chair and going between Jordyns legs. I looked over to Leia and saw she was just as uncomfortable as me. I moved my hand and linked it in with hers. " Okay Jordyn good news! Your ready to start pushing! Let's get this baby out!" I smiled at the doctor and he moved around and got ' suited' up to deliver my baby.

" I say 50 for a boy." Leia said, I turned to Leia and smirked " I say 100 it's a girl." She smiled at me and it turned into a devil smirk " 150 and you get to change the dippers first." I smiled " 200 says I'm right and you change the dippers." She smirked and held out her hand which I took. " Bet." We said at the same time. We both turned and saw that they had Jordyn in a birthing position.


I felt my tears pool out of my eyes when I heard a baby cry into the room. I sighed in relief that my baby is fine.

" And it's a little baby boy!" I smiled at my little baby boy and turned to Leia who was smirking at me. " Hand it over bitch." I rolled my eyes " later my love." I turned and watch the nurses take him over to a station and measure him, weight him, and do a bunch of other things. I watched him like a hawk. The nurse wrapped him up in a blanket and walked him over to us.

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