One of many to come

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" What?" I asked with wide eyes, water everywhere. Shocked was an understatement.

" I'm engaged, when I would ' go out on the town' I was visiting my boyfriend, or well fiance now. You made a mess Evelynn!" I nodded acknowledging my mess that I made, but my focus wasn't on that it was her ring.

I looked down from her face and looked at her hands looking for a ring " here." She whispered sliding a ring over to me.

" Shouldn't you be wearing this?" I asked looking at the ring.

It had a big diamond and little ones on the side. Looked expensive and felt a tad bit heavy.

" I have been not around you." I nodded handing back the ring. " Well, not much I can do. I can't make you leave him. I can't make you call it off unless you want me too."

She shook her head and turned to the stove " For fuck's sake! I burned ramen." I laughed " I'll get you take out." She nodded.

" Another thing." I looked up from my contacts list looking for the take out place. " Are you pregnant?" I asked with a cold sober face.

She shook her head " No, but he has kids." I nodded " How old?" She looked at the wall behind me for a second " A 2 year old and a 7 year old and a 16 year old" I nodded " Names?"

I was shocked yeah, but she was telling me something and opening up about it after so long. We used to be so close than about 2 years ago she became a little distant.

" The 2 year old is a girl named Olivia and the boy's name is Levi he's 7. And then Amelia who's the oldest" I nodded.

" Okay? Mom, it's been 7 years it's about time." I said with a little laugh, she looked up with big eyes " What?" I smiled " I know we haven't been friendly per-say in the past years to each other. I've thought about bringing this up to you but didn't want to make you upset" I said lowly.

She looked shocked and nervous all of the sudden. "I'm also a year sober." She said slowly so I got every last word that came out of her mouth. I looked at her confused and then it hit me.

I haven't seen her come home in the past year drunk. I never really saw her come home or at home at all. Now it's hitting me on how distant we've gotten.

" Thats good mom." I said with a smile. She nodded " When's the wedding?" I asked not wanting to see her sad, and I'm not one to be having serious conversations with. I try and avoid them, they make me unconformable. This brought a smile on her face " In August." I nodded.

" Eve?" I raised a brow " yes?" She smiled and a tear escaped her eyes " Will you do me the honors of being my maid of honor?" I smiled widely "Yes!" She smiled and clapped her hands.

Normally to anyone else this could be crazy, I mean your mom telling you she's engaged and he has kids. And saying it literally out of no where. But this is my mom, we've always been close even if we don't show it.


She said, taking me out of my trance " what?"

Now this was news, I mean I thought we would move in after the wedding and after I got to know everyone so I'm comfortable. I mean at some point this was bound to happen but right after I find out about them?

" We're moving in with them, they have space trust me. Mason has been asking when we'd move in. He's dying to meet you." I nodded feeling unsure of all of this all of the sudden, what happens if he's a creep? Mean? An ass?

" When?" I asked hoping it's after the wedding. She looked around our small home " A month?" I wish I had water in my mouth to spit out again like I did earlier.

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