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She wiggled under me, making our parts hit. She stopped and looked at me for a second before continuing to wiggle trying to get away from my grasp. All it did was make my hold on her hands tighter.

" Okay, okay shows over get on the field and run the team Hayes." I heard James say. I nodded and got off of Darlington and took off her jacket and threw it at her.

 " Next time ask nicely." I said before walking off.

I walked onto the field and kicked the closes ball I could find and shot it towards the goal. It scored and brought a small smile to my face.

" You put her in her place, from what Lily told me she's an ass when it comes to her being stupid and mad." I looked at her and nodded " I'm pissed-" Jaz cut me off " Play it off." I nodded " Lets go girls!" I said, causing the girls to run faster onto the field.

After warm ups and the check from one of the ref's. Which is why I'm currently sitting on the bench holding myself to keep warm. Today despite my many protests against James I'm sitting on the bench taking a ' break' while watching the girls play and run freely.

 I'm honestly upset and freezing my ass off cause Jazmin has my jacket under her jersey.

" Here." I felt a jacket wrap around me. I turned and saw Leia behind the bench. I rolled my eyes and put my arms throw the sleeves and held myself again.

" For f-" James started eyeing the field. I moved a little before cutting him off " James!" He stopped and gave me a glare. I rolled my eyes and he went back to the game.

" Oh, Leia?" He asked. " That's me, sorry for taking your captain to the ground." He laughed.

 I wanted to say something like ' Leia I took your ass to the ground.' But never did. I don't need to talk to her more than I already have.

She moved and sat next to me. I moved away. She looked at me and I turned and faced the game. She moved closer, I scooted away more, she followed, I scoo- " For fucks sake Leia!" I said from the ground which was cold under my ass. 

She laughed and then held out a hand. I smacked it away and stood up.

" James I'm going in." I said with a clearly pissed off voice. He just nodded, I ripped off Leia's jacket and threw it at her and walked to the middle line. The ref called me in and I subbed out Briella. I clapped her hand and gave her a fake smile.

 I got on the field and let go. Literally, I shook my body which probably looked weird as shit but I needed to do it.

I knew once the ball made it to my feet that it was a mistake to come back on the field. I should've just sat out. Now that I'm here I might as well play.


" She tripped me!"

" Don't yell at me 35!" The main ref on the field said. I scoffed and walked away "asshat." He blew his whistle and shoved a yellow card in my face. I backed up with my hands up as though I was surrendering to the police.

" Hayes off!" I heard James yell from the side. I gave the ref one last look before walking away. I didn't clap hands with Ann who's taking my spot. Once I was off the field I walked over to my bag and took out my water.

" A yellow card! Hayes!" I turned and looked at James who was clearly pissed off. 

" So?" I asked crossing the line. " Sit your ass on the bench you're out." He said in a huff and facing the field again. I rolled my eyes and watched the field.

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