Talks (pt3)

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"Mom?" I look over from my spot on the bed where I was reading to see Milo.

"Hey baby.. what's up?" I asked him causing him to rock on his heels.

"I... erm... have a request." He said, looking anywhere but me.

I sat up and crossed my legs and patted the bed for him.

He came over and sat down but stared at his hands on his lap.

"What is it baby? You have me worried." He shot up and waved his hands around and shook his head repeatedly.

"I wanted to talk to you because.." He trailed off before mumbled under his breath.

"Speak up Milo." I said he looked at me for a second before closing his eyes.

"Iwantadildomyhandsaren'tdoinganythinganymoreandIneedrelasepleasemom." He squeaked out.

"Baby! English!" I said causing him to start tearing up.

" I want a dildo.. please."

I looked at him for a moment before laughing.

He looked up with tears falling before whining "mooommmmm."

"I'm sorry.." I chuckled out.

"Milo.. baby.. you're 15. You can have one I don't care. Just please be safe with it okay?" He nodded happily before hugging me.

"Do you need the talk ag-"

"No!" He rushed out before jumping to the door but before leaving he gave me one of his sweetest smiles "thank you mom." Before leaving.

He's so big now, not my little baby that hated Leia for a week because she didn't sleep with him during nap time.

Not my little baby who when he was 6 threw jelly beans at his sister because she was crying and he wanted her to shut up.

Not my little baby when he was 8 and fell off the swing-set in the backyard and busted his head open so now he has a scar from the back of his ear to a little up on his head.

Not my little baby who was 10, -double digests- and decided he was to old for his sister and wouldn't play with her anymore, causing them both to be lonely. But it was later okay because i lasted a week after his birthday.

Not my little baby when he was 12 and broke my nose by hitting a baseball through the kitchen window and it hitting me. Leia isn't the best baseball coach.

Or when he was 14 and broke Myra's arm on accident, he was trying out for the cheer team for his last year of middle school and Myra was his test dummy for stunts.

And now, my little baby is 15 asking me for a dildo.

I didn't know I was crying until I saw a blurry Leia in the doorway.

She walked over to me and hugged me, pulling me into her lap.

"Why are you crying baby?" Leia asked against my head as she kissed away my tears.

"M-mi.." I whimpered before hiccuping.

"What about him baby?" She asked whipping my tears with her thumbs.

"He's g-grown up.. he's not l-little" I whimpered out causing her to let out a small laugh before nodding.

"I know he isn't baby, why are you crying? Our babies are gonna grow up. Nothing can stop it." She whispered before kissing my cheeks.

"I know.." I said before resting my forehead on her shoulder.

"I just... I don't know.." I said and she then moved me back to face her.

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