Bellflower Hospital Part 1

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Author's note: So this is part one, this is the second to last chapter, have fun.


Shoutout to... Tigerlily3Rose, designCovers, kacy_sloth, nineq_mumineq!! This is for you luvs!!

I stood up and grabbed my purse " yes, I'll be there in 15 minutes flat." And with that I hung up and turned towards the door.

Everything was slow, everything wasn't working. I watched people look at me and I saw mouths move but nothing was coming out of them. I walked out the door and was walking in an almost jog like pace. I made it to the front and there still cameras and fans. I looked around and saw a guard " James!" He turned to me with a worried look " James! I need t-to go! Now!" He nodded and helped me outside, the flashing didn't help either, nothing right now was working. I couldn't think straight I wanted to throw up. I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream.

He helped me in a car and the driver turned to me " Bellflower Hospital, and I swear to god if you don't break all the possible laws I will rip your head off and feed it to your wife." He looked at me for a moment before turning and hitting the petal. We got there in 10 minute flat.

I ran in and made it to the desk " Jordyn Hartly!" The nurse looked at me for a second " relation?" I stared dumbfounded at her " Guardian, and the mom of her baby!" She nodded " Room 119" I thanked her and ran around the halls finally finding her room. She looked so tiny, so fragile, so... dead like.

I walked over and took her hand " hey beautiful, wanna wake up so you can talk to me? About yourself and the b-baby, and how you h-hate lemons." I was breaking now, you never know how much you care for someone until you can't protect them.

" Are you Ms. Hayes?" I turned and saw a doctor, I nodded " yes, that's me." I said standing but never taking my hand away from Jordyn's. " What happened to her?" The doctor walked in more and shut the sliding door. " She took a fall down the stairs, a maid found her and called 911." I nodded slowly " what's the damage..?" He looked at me " She has a broken rib, we were able to fix it, she also as a sprain wrist, as well as a concussion."

I nodded " And the baby?" He smiled " Do you know the gender?" I shook my head " okay, well they are good, it's by a miracle. Like a medical miracle." I smiled and looked back at Jordyn and then her stomach " They're something else, both of 'em." I heard the doctor chuckle " very much so." I nodded and watched Jordyn some more.

" Where you somewhere?" I turned to the doctor and he was motioning to my dress. " Yeah, my girlfriend had a ball today, and I got the call right as she was- Oh my god! I ran out when she was talking!" I let go on Jordyn's hand and walked over to my purse and phone.

It had over 40 missed calls from everyone together and maybe a hundred messages. " Shit, shit, shit" I walked over to the corner and called Leia. I watched the doctor check up on Jordyn and write stuff down on her chart.

" Evelynn?"

" Leia! Oh my god! I'm so sorry, the hospital called, and jordyn." I started having a hard time breathing

" Evelynn calm down, what hospital are you at?"
" Bellflower."

I heard her hum and tell someone over the phone something

" I'm coming baby, please calm down."

And with that she hung up and left me alone in my distraught state of mind. I looked over at Jordyn and walked over, the doctor left after he checked her chart and wrote stuff in it. I brought a chair up next to her and held her hand.

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