Bellflower Hospital Part 2

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Okay my babes, it's come to an end. I love you all so much! Enjoy!

I watched the doors to the hallway where Jordyn is for maybe an hour. No one has come out yet. I've gone up to the nurse's station maybe a hundred times, I mean this is literal torture, not being able to know if your loved one is dead or not. It's not just a person too, it's my friend and my baby.

I mean killing two birds with one stone type shit.

I watched the doors open and a nurse walk to a lady next to me and not me, feels like when you order and someone behind you in line gets their food first.

" Evelynn?" I turned to be met with Leia's calming hazel eyes. " What are you doing out here?" I watched her come and sit down next to me " Jordyn started coding." I said with a straight face, at this point I've cried enough, like it physically hurt to cry again, my eyes are most likely bloodshot red, and my face probably doesn't look appealing either.

" Baby.." Leia mumbled before taking me into her lap, she held me sideways, I buried my face in the crook of her neck and breathed in her amazing smell.

" Are you sniffing me?" I let out a small laugh " yes, your smell is comforting." She hummed and held me closed and started rubbing my back. I closed my eyes and leaned into her touch. " It's going to be okay Evelynn I swear." I nodded. She started humming a tone that I felt sleepy against. I cuddled up against her and let my tired state take over.

The Diner

" You can order anything you want, I'm paying." She laughed at that " No duh." I smiled and watched her scan over the menu. " So do you have siblings?" She nodded " yeah a younger sister, she's hopefully doing good now." I nodded " hopefully." She hummed, a waiter came and took our orders and then left.

" So tell me something about you." She said to me, I nodded " well I have nothing to hide soo... I have a sister, Anna and then 3 step siblings. I live with my dad and sister right now. Well I don't live, live with him, I have my own house, I used to live with him is what I mean. I used to live with my mom but something came up and so I moved here, not that long ago actually. I moved because I felt like I couldn't breath in that life? Or setting? I don't know how to explain it honestly. I left high school and finished here, I left a lover and a best friend. I hope they're doing nicely now. I finished high school here and then got on the soccer team for the city and yeah. And then I met you."

She nodded " How was this lover?" I smiled " she was amazing, absolutely amazing, I'm so thankful I met her. In the short time that she was there and we hung out it was a blast every time. I wanted to know everything about her, her likes and dislikes. What she likes in the morning what she orders at coffee shops. Just everything. I got the chance to know a few things, I still now them, just wish I knew more and had more time with her, but I decided on myself that I needed to leave. I was supposed to go back but I never did."

She nodded " So your gay?" I laughed " very much so." she hummed and watched the waiter come back with our plates. She placed them down and then walked away.

" Dig in." She nodded and started eating. we ate in silence, comfortable silence. Once I finished she was a few bites away from being done.

" I know you wanna know why a young girl is on the streets." I hummed " don't say anything if you're not comfortable with it pleasee." She nodded " I want too." I waited for her to finished and then she took a sip of her pop (soda) " My parents aren't the parents anyone should've had. I don't want to go into detail yet, but pretty much my whole life I was... suicidal. I don't want to be here sometimes." She trailed off at the end " but you've been an angel, bringing me food and helping me, I really appreciate it you know." I nodded and she started.

That day I found out a lot about her, her likes and dislikes, her sister, a few more things about her parents, her school life. Turns out she's a straight A+ student. She talked about a few past friends and relationships. We ended up staying there until closing time, which was 4 hours away when we got there. Not shortly after I wanted her to live with me. I normally wouldn't be like this, but something about her was different.


I shot up and looked to Leia. " God Leia don't scream." I hissed at her and hitting her arm. " Oh shush, Dr. O'Malley do you mind repeating what you told me?" He let out a low chuckle "yeah" I looked over to him " Jordyn was moved to a different floor." I nodded " follow me." I nodded and got up with leia next to me, we followed him into an elevator.

It was quite and when we got out we headed into doors, well many doors. After many doors later we made it to a hallway with doors. He walked and then walked into a room. I walked in and saw Jordyn laying looking out the window.

" Jordyn!" She turned to me and lightly smiled, I ran over and fell onto her, gently of course. I hugged her and then looked at her "how are you feeling kid?" she put on a soft smile " as well as one could be with being high on medicine." I smiled and nodded and moved her hair that fell onto her face behind her ear.

" Ms. Hayes?" I turned back to the doctor, " yes?" He nodded "Jordyn was moved here because she's on suicide watch."

I froze, " suicide watch?" He nodded. I laughed " now please explain to me why the hell she's on suicide watch!" I was clearly pissed I mean this jackass is being clearly stupid. He watched me for a moment and then turned from me to Jordyn.

I turned to her and stood up from her "please tell me why the hell he thinks you need to be on suicide watch?" She looked back out the window and I turned back to Dr. O'Malley.

" Please explain doctor, cause I'm waiting." I snapped at him clearly pissed. He nodded " The fall wasn't an accident." I straightened up even more.

" After we brought her back she was begging us to let her die, she begged me to let her go." He paused " I told her I couldn't because she wasn't at the age to give me consent, and she doesn't have a DNR signed,

( A/N: A do-not-resuscitate order, also known as no code or allow natural death, is a legal order, written or oral depending on country, indicating that a person does not want to receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation if that person's heart stops beating. Sometimes it also prevents other medical interventions. )

So I couldn't listen to her, and so I told her I can't, and then she went onto yelling to me that she wants to die and that she doesn't want the baby.." He paused and took in a breath of air " and how she fell because she wanted to kill the baby." I turned back to Jordyn and noticed she was cuffed to the bed.

" You tried to kill my baby?" She looked away from the window " yes." she answered, just yes. No reasoning, nothing just a plain simple yes. She turned back to the window like she didn't just answer honestly and without hesitation.

Simple but effective.

I walked back from her and hit somebody, vanilla hit my nose and I stumbled into to her some more.

" She tried to kill my baby." I said my voice breaking all over again.

" I know baby, I know."

The End

Author's note: that's.. erm the end?
I don't know if it makes sense but hopefully I can explain it better for people, remember when she was on the chair and acting weird- see 😏😏 connecting the dots- eeehhh 😏😏
Anyways- it's been building up for some time now, but yeah!
This was honestly amazing to write, helped with my stress and stuff and I'm truly thankful for it! I think I'll make more books or different books.

I've tried making book 2 for this a few days ago when I finished it, but I couldn't grasp a idea for it. I'll try again later! I don't know if I'll show an epilogue or like sneak peeks to book 2. I think future me will do something at some point though. But yeah!

That's the book! I hope you enjoyed!

Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter! Please feel free to comment, have a good time beautiful <3


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