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A/N: 1 week later. Cuz why not?

Also thank you to Monet12567 for reading, commenting, voting and following me! Your seriously amazing! <3

If there's any errors I'm sorry

" Evelynn calm down it's literally okay I promise." Jo told me while she was standing on a chair. " Jordyn I swear to god if you don't get down I'm hiding all the junk food." I said in my stern voice, I swear she's a child sometimes.

" Okay fine." She said slowly getting down. Once she was on the ground I kicked the chair away with my good foot.

" And you can still kick?" I turned and saw Leia against the door frame. " Le I swear to god." I mumbled, walking over to Jo and feeling her stomach and then her head. " Your not sick so I have no idea why your acting like this. Especially not listening to me." I mumbled the last bit, lately she's been acting weird and just keeps blaming it on the pregnancy and for now I'm beveling her.

" Anyways, Leia you need to go back to work you can't just stay here. You own a company, go run it." I said looking at her with a glare. I'm not mad at anyone, really. It's just my time for staying here is running low. We've been her for almost 2 weeks since when Leia met Jordyn and they've been inseparable. Like connected at the hip, when we went shopping the other day people stopped them and thought I was their teen daughter! Excuse me?

" Babe I'll be there tonight and your coming with me, therapy." I raised my brow " Physical therapy." I nodded and went to my room without another room. I don't know, I know it's definitely jealousy for sure. I mean who wouldn't be? Your girlfriend, right she's not mine. So no wonder she's flirting! God this is frustrating. I fell onto my bed and grabbed a pillow and screamed into it. God this is a mess, she makes me a mess! Good and bad!

" Hayes you good?" I looked up from my pillow and then nodded at Leia. " Yeah, I need to pack. How long am I staying there?" I asked, she looked at me for a second. " Maybe a week, you can leave at any given point." I nodded and got up and walked to my closet, now I can just walk around with a boot on, a very heavy boot. But at least I can walk. I walked into the closet and grabbed a suitcase and then packed in a week's worth of clothes in there.

" Are you okay Eve?" Leia asked from the doorway of the closet. " yeah I'm fine, just in a mood?" I said terribly, making it sound more like a question at the end. " Okay." She simply said and leaned down and kissed my forehead. She backed up and walked out, I watched her and then looked back to my suitcase. God this is really messing me up. I got up and rolled my suitcase to the front door, I turned back around and went to look for Bella. I whistled and waited.

" Bella!" I yelled into the house. I heard feet coming and soon enough Bella was there, "hey baby how are you?" She barked and I smiled " well I'm not doing very well, my feelings are all over the place and I feel like everyone's fucking with me." I said to the dog. Dear god I'm talking to a dog. Bella moved and I just sat on the floor and cuddled against her.

" Evelynn why are you on the floor?" I looked up and saw Jordyn " oh.. Erm... having a conversation with a dog?" She nodded slowly and then walked into the kitchen. " Okay Evelynn we're going early let's go." I nodded and got up and she put the bags in the car and I walked in the car. I got into the car and looked down to my lap and went through my phone. She started driving and then before we out of town she stopped by Starbucks and went threw the drive threw.

" Hello welcome to starbucks what can I get started for ya?"

" Hey, can I have a caramel latte, and then a pink drink and then a banana bread and birthday cake, cake pop please."

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