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This whole chapter is pretty much the locker part, which I totally forgot about until recently and I was like... yolo... anyways yeah! I don't know if I'm doing an epilogue or something... yet.. BUT I have thought about more book ideas, both of them are boyxboy books so please tell me if you'd be interested!!!! Anyways enjoy! <3

I moaned against her lips, the feeling of them are putting me on cloud nine. She pulled back with a smirk, I rolled my eyes " don't get cocky now Darlington or I swear to god, I'm really going to leave you." She laughed but gave a small nod and moved her lips to my jaw.

I tilted my head to the side and let her do as she pleased. I know I'm always talking crap about being a top, but god damn did this feel amazing.

I moved my hands from my sides and put them around her neck, apparently she didn't like this and she took one of her hands and held my hands above my head. " don't move them." She purred against the side of my neck. I let out a small whimper but complied nonetheless.

She moved her lips from around my ear to down to my color bone, I bit my lil trying to contain my moans or any other noises I'd make. Cause now that this is starting I really don't want it to end.

" Tell me what you want me to do.." she trailed off while nibbling on my collarbone. " Anything.. god Leia please!" I whined, I hate whining. God she's doing things to me. I felt her smirk against my chest. " Well then." She mumbled pulling away and moving back against a bench. She sat down and I moved onto her lap.

" Good girl."

Yep! I'm lost! I might as well accept my fate as being a bottom, never will I admit that though. I whimpered as she pulled my shirt over my head and put it into the floor. I moved and started to kiss her next while moving to take off her shirt as well.

" Mm not this time Hayes, it's all about you." I frowned but then my mouth parted as I left her kissing my jaw making her way to my mouth. She kissed it and I hummed in content. She put her arms on my hips and slowly started to rock them. I moaned into her mouth, which must have been a turn on cause she smirked and rocked me against her faster. I put my head on her shoulder while letting out pants of air.

" L-Leia!" I moaned out, I heard her chuckle. " Yes?" I could feel her smirking. " Please do something." I mumbled, my brain isn't functioning the best right now.
" I've always wondered how you tasted."
I moaned at the thought, she moved my hips a bit more before moving me and making me stand up. She pulled down my pants which left me in my sports bra. She moved me back down and laid me on the bench and had me move my legs on either side. She hummed in approval as she let her index finger mess around with the lips of my wet center.

She moved father down the bench and then leaned down. She kissed both of my thighs evenly, with the same amount of kisses, like she's giving them both attention. She kissed the lips of my center with made me buck up my hips.

" Eager?" I moaned and moved my hips around. " Leia please stop teasing!" I didn't mean to whine, but it came out as a whine. It was clear as day.

She hummed and then started licking in between my folds. I moaned and moved my hips upwards, which cause her to hold them down with her hands while she did what felt inhuman things with her tongue.

" L-leia!" I moaned out, I should probably shut up before someone walks in.

She moved her tongue into me and started licking everywhere. I couldn't hold back anymore. Against her hands I moved my hips against her tongue.

I let out a moan, and a few cuss words while I arched my back.

Suddenly her tongue left me and I looked down at her, with a dazed face.

" Do you like fucking my tongue?" I fell back against the bench with a groan. I heard Leia shift on the bench before I felt her tongue again. I moaned in approve and arched my back again.

This time she didn't hold back and let me rock my hips back-and-forth. I started seeing spots in my closed eyes, which meant I was close.

" Leia.. s-stop I'm g-going to c-come." I moaned out, she stopped moving her tongue but then started back again and used her hands and moved my hips against her tongue. I arched my back and felt my toes curling.

" L-Leia!" I screamed out when all I saw was white. I felt back against the bench, and ignored the pain in my back because of it when I felt her licking up everything.

" Such a good girl for me." She cooed against my thighs.

Yep, definitely a bottom. Never gonna catch me telling anyone.

I hope you liked it, it's currently 12 on a school night... so if it's bad I'm sorry. It's just been in my head for some time and so I wrote it out. If anything's spelled wrong I'm sorry, I probably won't fix it maybe I will I don't know. We'll see.
Hope you had fun ;)

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