I just want you

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Back to Evelynn's POV!!!! Should I do a Leia one again?


I smiled when I saw Leia look away and try and focus. I smiled at my work and kept wobbling away. I've been almost everywhere on this floor with people looking at me like crazy. I walked into the kitchen. Maybe it's do to the fact I've maybe fallen like forty times in front of people, or maybe cause I called Leia out like that this morning.

" Hello!" I turned and saw a boy. " Hello?" I said he moved over to me and stuck out a paper and pen. " Can I have your autograph?" I smiled and nodded I moved and leaned against the kitchen counter. I signed my name " any message?" He nodded "Hello Blaine, your favorite soccer player here, make sure you pop the question to Kurt soon." I nodded with a smile and wrote that down. " For your boyfriend?" He nodded. " Yep, he loves the Rovers." I smiled and nodded.

" So how do you know Ms. Darlington?" He asked, I smiled " Oh we went to high school together, I beat her ass many times in soccer. Slapped her many times as well." He let out a gasp. " Your Evelynn?" I nodded " Jesus, I've heard stories from Jazmin from you." I smiled at her name. " I know, she told me many stories about you. You're good friends right?" He nodded. " Yeah I'd like to think so." I smiled, Jazmin always makes friends.

" So what happened to your foot?" I looked down " Oh um.. soccer injury. It's really stopping me now." I said with a small laugh at the end. I looked back up to Kurt. " Yeah figures. Blaine was actually quite during the game and I thought he died." I smiled. " Right, well I have to go fine Jamin now." He nodded " bye Evelynn." I waved " bye." And with that I turned around and walked out.

Crutches are really bringing me down. I can't go as fast and it's bugging me. You never think your a fast walker until someone calls you out for it or because you have something like crutches stop you. I walked out and walked to Jazmine's desk. I walked up and sat down in her chair. I looked around, most people were looking at me like I was bonkers. And I mean I am, but no need to stare like I'm the last of my species.

" Eve why are you at my desk? Unlike you people have to work." I turned and looked at her she has her hands full with folders. " Right I know, I'm happy I'm still getting paid even though I'm miles away." She rolled her eyes and put the folders into a filling cabinet. " So Leia thinks I drove here in a horse carriage, don't ruin the fun." She laughed " you calling me a horse?" I nodded " very much so." I said smiling. God I've missed her.

" So later tonight I was thinking having a drink?" She said, I was brought of of my daze. " At like a pub? Bar? Club?" She shook her head " No, normally today I go to Leia's and we have a drink." I nodded. " Maybe we'll see if she invites me." She laughed " I think she would, your giving her emotions again." I laughed, "but she's so.. open? And like kind? How can she be so.. closed off?" She shrugged and I sighed. " You both look depressed, did someone die?" I turned and smiled when I saw her in all her glory.

" For someone's who's hungover your taking it well." I sassed back, she smiled " I know, I've mastered it." I laughed " You've been what drinking for.. 3 years?" I asked, she hummed " and I'm a boss at it." She walked over and sat on the desk next to me. " Well then, so Jaz informed me that you guys have drinks every Friday afternoon so you still up for it?" She looked at me for a moment. " Yeah sure, won't get anything out of me Hayes." I watched her smirk. "Wasn't going to try anyways."

Does she really think I'm trying to get her drunk so she'd talk to me? I mean doesn't sound bad now. But god do I hate our friendship now, I mean yes leaving was suppose to be maybe for a week but that turned into 5 years of me ignoring her and not bothering trying to text or call. I miss our friendship, being stupid and smart with each other. Now it's like were stepping on glass near each other, just waiting for one to break down.

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