Baby (pt6)

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So a lot of people keep asking about book #2 and this was suppose to be it...

" You shouldn't have gone to the Caribbean then Milo!" Daniel yelled at me, I whipped my tear and looked back down at the positive pregnancy test in my hand. Daniel sighed and walked back over to me from where he was standing.

" Daniel, it was a trip, he could have been a druggie or someone crazy ass man." He watched me for a second before pulling me into his arms.

"But at least he was hot.." I mumbled before sighing.

" I'm  19 Danny, and I didn't want kids to begin with, but I'm not giving away my baby, it's mine. I wanted to be the fun crazy uncle everyone loves. But I'm not giving this baby up or..." I trailed off letting out another whimper.

He laughed against my head " Mi, stop rambling, probably my least favorite thing you got from one of your moms." I laughed slightly, I backed up from his chest and titled my head up " I'm just scared the little bean will grow up without a dad figure." Daniel smiled at my words " Milo I think you'll be enough for both figures, I don't know how your this old and still have this much energy, I mean mine wore out like a good two years ago." I laughed and put the pregnancy test on the counter.

" Plus you have two amazing mom's that'll be by your side the whole time. And then 2 amazing sisters and a brother, and then me." He explained while trying to still calm me down.

I gasped and looked back down to the test and then back at Daniel " I should move to Italy and just raise the little bean there." Daniel looked at me for a minute and then nodded slowly " I can't tell if your being serious or not."

I looked him dead in the eyes " help me pack." I mumbled and turned around to go out of my bathroom into my room. I walked into my closet and took out my suitcase and started packing.

"Milo I really can't tell if your being seriously or not." I watched him for a second before walking up to him and taking his chin in my hand " my card is on the table, buy me a plane ticket to Italy."

"Milo no! You have an amazing family here that'll help you! please stop and think for a moment." he said while his hands were on my shoulders keeping me in place.

"No Dani. You don't understand!" I yelled at him causing him to give me a sharp look.

"Don't run like your mom did." He said catching me off guard.

I stared at him for a moment before tears fell again. He pulled me into his chest and rubbed my back.

"It'll be okay Milo... it'll be okay.." He whispered causing me to relax slightly.

"You know if we ever dated you'd be the best boyfriend." I mumbled causing him to laugh.

"I think so too, but I'm cool with what we have now." He said rubbing my back still.

We do indeed have a weird relationship.

He's fucked me multiple times, we go to each other when we need a night of letting go and the other understand completely. No questions asked until the next day.

No feelings attached.

" When do you want to tell your moms?" He asked me pulling me away from his chest.

"Tomorrow?" I asked and he nodded.

"I need a nap..." I trailed off and he nodded leading me to my head and tucking me in.

He leaned down and kissed my head. "Goodnight Milo."

"Night Dani."

He smiled before walking out my bedroom door and I stayed silent until I heard him shut my apartment door.

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