I'm going to kiss you now

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I stood there looking into Quinn's royal blue eyes and hating every second of it.

What is she doing here? Why is she here? Can she leave? Can I punch her? Can I call the cops? Can I murder here? That's too far.. is it though?

Is all that was going through my head while staring into the blue orbs. This is making my head hurt.

" Quinn you made it!" I turned at the voice and saw Amelia walking over and kissing Quinn's cheek. I'm standing here probably looking stupid and flabbergasted.

" You know her?" Is all that came out of my mouth. " Yeah! We're like best friends!" I stood there watching Quinn snake her arm around Amelia's waist. " Right cool, well I was just leaving." I said walking past Quinn and hitting her shoulder.

Normally after what was going to happen you'd be scared, yeah not me. I hate the bitch to well, her. She's the worst human to walk this planet. I wanted to murder her, well maybe not that. But watch her get hurt more or like.

" Your barefoot!" I waved my hand behind my back and started running to Leia's house.

Why is she there? Is Amelia in trouble? Are they dating? I mean I'm completely fine with Amelia dating people. We aren't that close yet, but for now I don't care who she likes or whatever. If they hurt her then yeah I'll care but for now I don't. I ran as fast as I could. I don't think I've ran this fast in soccer even. My anger with Quinn was driving me over my edge. I ran up to Leia's door and knocked. I stood there and finally the door opened.

" Evelynn dear!" I smiled " hey Ann, do you mind if I stay the night?" She smiled " Of course not! I'm leaving tonight with Marty to go on a business trip anyways." I smiled " Have fun!" She nodded and I ran up the stairs and opened Leia's door without warning. She was on her bed on her phone, sitting.

" Leia!" She looked up and raised an eye brow. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I stood there breathing heavily. Leia stood up and walked over to me. " Eve?" I stood up from my hunching over and stood up straight. " Evelynn? Jesus! What happened?" I looked her in the eyes. " Evelynn!" I stared at her " Run with me yeah?" She looked at my feet and didn't see shoes.

" Barefoot?" I nodded and grabbed her hand and led her downstairs. I opened the front door " Keep up Darlington." I said before taking off again. She screamed my name again but then started running after me. We ran for maybe 5 minutes before we were at a park. I ran over to a bench and sat down.

" Jesus Evelynn." Leia said standing next to me. " What the hell happened?" I looked up from the floor. " Eve.." Leia cooed sitting down and bringing me into a hug. I wrapped my hands around her and cried into her shoulder. After a minute I detached from her.

" I hate her so much! And she showed up smirking! I want to hurt her! I want her to go away L-Leia!" I said through sobs. Another thing about me, I don't hate anyone. I'm don't get mad or angry either. Maybe frustrated or annoyed but never made or angry. With Quinn she surpasses my anger. Leia brought me back into a hug. I hugged her back and put my face in the nook of her neck.

" It'll be alright okay?" I nodded into her neck. She kept whispering to me saying everything was going to fine and how I'm the strongest person she knows. After letting my last tear fall, I let go of Leia. " What happened?" I looked into her eyes, suddenly feeling safe.

" Amelia is apparently friends with Quinn or something and she was smirking and put her arm around her waist." I said in one breath " And she looked evil. I wanted to hit her so badly Leia! I don't hit people! Besides you, but you're different! I wanted to hit her with everything that I have!" Leia nodded and then brought me into another hug. " You can stay at my place tonight, you know when we get there." I let out a small laugh. I peeled away from her and she put her hands to my cheeks and whipped my tears with her thumbs.

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