Even if it's over murder cases

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I woke up to feeling rather cold, like too cold. I opened my eyes and saw that Leia wasn't next to me. "Leia?" I called out in my hideous morning voice. When I didn't get a response I got up and put on my boot and walked to the kitchen.

 " I mean, why though? Like why? Any other game but why that one?" I heard someone say while making my way to the kitchen. " I don't know! It's a murder!" I walked into the kitchen to see Leia and Jordyn talking. " Murder?" I asked walking up to Leia. She put down her cup and opened her arms, I walked right into them not sparing a second thought. She kissed the top of my head and swayed us for a second. She let go and then turned and handed me a cup of tea. 

" I made it myself." She said with a bright smile, " Thanks." I mumbled before walking and sitting next to Jordyn. " Anyways, so then they like followed the leads and then someone confessed but wasn't the murder and then-" Leia was caught of by Jordyn " I mean why though? Didn't 27 people confess?" Leia nodded.

 " I'm sorry, what are we talking about?" I asked, taking a sip and looking at them both. " Oh the Black Dahlia case." I nodded " well, I don't want you talking about this when my baby is present." Jordyn laughed and rolled her eyes, " the baby can hear now so watch your mouth." She laughed " the baby can hear my heartbeat and things like that, at like 26 weeks they baby can hear sounds from inside and outside the womb." She said, I rolled my eyes and kept drinking my tea. Leia let out a small laugh and walked over to me and kissed the top of my head. 

" Leave her alone, she's carrying the baby you're not. She gets baby points." I rolled my eyes and took another sip. " You two are sickening cute, stop or I'll throw up this baby." I laughed and Leia let go of me and went back to her cup. 

" So you guys met?" I asked obviously curious, I would've thought there would be some weird tension. " Yeah, I saw you were still asleep and so I walked to the kitchen to make some coffee and tea, and then I heard someone vomiting in the bathroom and I walked into Jo and helped her." I looked over to Jordyn who was nodding. " Doing that kinda already put us on a friendship type level." I smiled " good, I want you guys to bond, even if it's over murder cases." They nodded and went back to talking about the case and I took my cup back to my room to try and clean. 

I walked back into my bedroom and sat my cup down. I don't know how I hopped back here without spilling but I did and it's a miracle of some sorts. I walked over and grabbed a crutch, I walked around some and saw that it wasn't really working. I can't clean and walk. It's almost impossible. I went to my bed and sat down, already tired from just walking around my room. I reached over and grabbed my phone and called my doctor.

" Hello?" He said through the phone " Dr. Torres?" I asked, staring at my foot. " Yes? Is your foot okay?" I hummed "yeah, but I'd like to come in today and maybe see where I'm at healing wise because I feel so useless not being able to walk properly." I said into the phone feeling the tears ready to come out. " Yeah I can work something out, how about 12:30? It's my lunch break." I looked up out the window "Are you sure? I mean it's your lunch break?" She laughed "please come in, I'd rather talk to you than eat alone." I hummed "okay I'll be there." I said looking back at my foot "lovely! See you then!" I smiled at myself and hung up. I looked over to the closet and sighed. 

"Leia!" I yelled I laid back on my bed and waited for the feet. Once I heard them I smiled, she rushed in "what?!?" I sat up and smiled. " Dress me please." She rolled her eyes and walked into the closet. " Pants and a random shirt." I heard her humm and she walked back out and helped me get dressed.

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