👀Sugar mommy👀

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I feel like a terrible author for not posting on my days, so here's a chapter today instead of waiting till tomorrow, there's smut ;)

I woke up to feeling colder than I was when I went to bed. I turned and moved my hand wanting to feel Leia. Once I realized she wasn't there I groaned into the pillow. I remembered last night and me telling her to go to work. I turned to grab my phone but I found a note instead.

Hey love it's me, I went to work, The phone number at the bottom of this note is one of my drivers number, please be good and call it. I made breakfast, it's downstairs. Just leave your clothes here and take mine, you're moving here anyways. I'll be waiting for the call of you telling me how the talk went. See you soon xx

I smiled at the note and got up and put on my boot, she must of taken it off last night. I put it on and then grabbed my crutches that are on the wall next to the bed. I walked into the bathroom and peed. I washed my hands and then made my way into the kitchen. I smiled at the french toast that was on the stove was a cover on it, to keep it warm.

Once I was done eating I found sweatpants and then found a tight white crop top and put that on. I grabbed my phone, wallet and sun glasses and called the driver. Once he arrived I got in (with the help of him) we started my way back to my old home. I scrolled on my phone for some time before texting Jordyn saying I'm coming home. I put my phone down and closed my eyes.

" Ms. Hayes we're here." I opened my eyes and met the driver standing there with the door open. I thanked him and made my way inside.

I whistled and Bella came running down wagging her tail like crazy. I smiled and cheered her on and pet her like crazy. " She missed you." I smiled and looked up at Jordyn, she was wearing leggings and a lose oversized shirt. I walked over to her and hugged her.

" How far along are you?" I asked breaking away from the hug. " Oh! I'm 20 weeks right now."I looked up at her with wide eyes. " Your what?" I asked almost frantic, " The first doctor messed it up, the due date is the first week of February, I'm in my 5th month now baby mama." I laughed, " don't say that again." She rolled her eyes and lifted up her shirt. " Oh my god." I said gently touching her stomach.

" Hey peanut, I'll see you soon yeah?" I asked talking to the amazing baby growing in front of me. " I think they already know your the mom." I smiled and stood back up all the way.

" Right, we need to talk." I said motioning to the couch. She nodded and lowered her shirt again and walked over to the couch. She sat down criss-cross and held her belly, a habit she's grown.

" Are you kicking me out?" She asked, rubbing her belly. I shook my head " the opposite, I want to move." She looked at me for  a second. " To where?" I smiled " Seattle, There's a better soccer team, and I already have a house too, for yourself and myself." Her mouth opened in a shocked face. " As in two different houses?" I nodded. " Yeah, and there's a better school there, you'll get a better education." She looked at me for a second and then broke into a smile.

" Did you get a sugar mommy? Or are you just this loaded?" I laughed and thought about Leia. " I didn't, at least I don't think so. And I am, I could buy the houses but I'm choosing not too." She raised a brow " Who's house are we going into then?" I smiled. " Leia's, I'll move in with her, and then you'll pick a house." She gaped "pick a house?" I nodded, "she owns a lot of land and has many houses, so you'll just pick one and run with it." She nodded slowly. " When are we moving?" I smiled " How soon can we?" She shrugged " The school might need a week's notice, and I think your soccer team would like one as well." I laughed and nodded. " Yeah, so you're going to move with me?" She nodded and stood up and walked over to me and leaned down and hugged me.

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