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~Leia's POV~

" Well at least I don't leave mid relationship!" I said causing her to take step back and look at me, with already wet eyes.

" Shit- Ev-" I never got to finish that sentence cause her hand slapped my cheek, painfully may I add. " You bitch!" She yelled " Don't talk to me again, delete my number, and fuck this!" She said raising her hands, she turned to Meranda.

" I'm off the team!" She said before grabbing her things and walking off the field. " Evelynn!" Meranda called, Lily then called her name and so did Kat. I watched her walk into the locker room.

" Now you fucked up Leia!" Lily said walking up to me and hitting my shoulder. She started walking to the locker room. I turned to Meranda who was shaking her head and turning around to her clipboard.

" How will we win state now?" Kat asked, this caused everyone to start panicking and started pointing fingers to me and yelling stuff.

I fucked up big time.

I walked over and grabbed my things and ran into the locker room. Lily was sitting on the bench holding her phone. " Where is she?" I asked frantically. She looked up. "Liam found her crying but she even ran from him. Leia don't think about going after her, you messed up and now you're going to deal with it." She said standing up. " Lily-" She cut me off. " I'm serious stay out of her life she doesn't need you clearly." She said walking back out to the field.

I sighed and sat down. I ran my hands through my hair. I walked over to my locker and pulled out my phone. I went through my contacts before taping on Juliette and waiting for her to pick up.

" Hello? Leia?" I smiled " hello, if Evelynn comes home and acts sad it's my fault. I'm not taking the blame cause whatever, I did it I hurt her Jules." I'm on a nickname base with her. " Does she know yet?" She asked. " Not yet, should I tell her?" I heard her sigh " not yet. I'll keep an eye out for her, I'll text you when she comes home safely." I looked over to her locker. " Thank you."

I hung up and walked over to it. Nothing was there. I grabbed my things and went to my car. I looked around for her jeep but didn't see anything. I put my things into my car and just sat behind the wheel.

" Dammit!" I yelled hitting my steering wheel.


It's been two weeks since anyone has seen Evelynn. She called her mom and said that she was safe and then hung up. I've haven't been able to eat or sleep that much. My mom has forced me to shower though. I'm currently walking over to Mason's house. I knocked and Mason opened the door.

" Right, they're already fed and just watching the TV. Call if you get anything on Evelynn." I nodded and he grabbed his jacket and left. I walked in and cuddled with Olivia on the couch. After a while her and Levi bathed and are in bed. I walked back to the kitchen.

" Do you think she's safe?" I turned and saw Amelia sitting on the couch with a cup of something. I walked over and sat on the other couch. " I'm praying she is."

And that was the truth, you wouldn't think about how much you can care for someone until you feel as though you can't anymore. Like normally you would see someone and be like, ' okay they're fine." And feel better compared to when someones upset. But not seeing them and knowing hurts more, than seeing them hurt. " How long do you think she'll be gone?" Amelia asked me. I shrugged " I don't know where's she's at even, I mean she could be at Paris, she's always wanted to go to Paris and then Rome." I said smiling at the thought of the night we were doing face masks and she was siting on the sink and I was on the floor We were just talking about anything at that point. How I hate eggnog and how she loves it, how she hates the color orange cause it looks weird to her.

"Do you like her?" Amelia asked which immediately got my attention. " I do." I said simply. " Why haven't you made a move yet?" I looked ahead out the window.

" Because, I was scared out of my mind, the feelings I have for her. I've never had before in my life. She makes me want to be a better person, I want to be her person. She's mine even if she doubts it. But then she kissed me one night and I was so scared, the dinner. When you were teasing her about having a crush and she said Maya. I was crushed." I let out a small chuckle " I was so crushed god, like the though of her leaving me is terrifying. I think it can be a phobia at this point. God Amelia she makes me crazy, I'm whipped for her." I said looking at Amelia who was smirking.

" When she comes what are you going to do?" She asked sipping her drink. " I'm going to earn back her trust." I said smiling. She nodded " what happens if she doesn't want it?" I looked out the window again. " I'm hoping she does." I said, quite feel upon us.

" Well, I'm going to bed." Amelia said walking away. I looked it the window for one time before walking towards the stairs. I haven't gone down there since the dinner. I made my way down there and walked to her room.

I walked in and smiled. She never makes the bed. I walked around looking at everything. I stopped at her desk and looked at the pictures. I smiled at one of her when she was younger. I picked it up and issued her before putting it back. I walked over and grabbed my sweat pants and then one of her over sized jackets that smell like her. I put it on and then went to her bed. I got in and closed me eyes smelling her wonderful smell.

God she has me whipped.

I woke up in her bed. I looked out the window for some time before getting up and grabbing my things. I walked into the kitchen. "Thanks for watching them Leia, I'll pay you later." I nodded " Right, any news on Evelynn?" I asked, Juliette looks up from what she was making. She is bad in the kitchen but continues to try, I admire that about her really.

" Actually there is." My heart skipped a beat.

"What?" I asked needing to know she's okay.

" She called me thing morning, she wouldn't tell me where she is but she's finishing high school somewhere else." Now my hearts broken. " To w-where?" I choke out, not crying yet. " I don't know she wouldn't say, she said she'll finish school and do something with her life. Apparently its going good, you know where ever she is." She stopped for a moment before continuing" she said she won't be back, at all." She said slightly above a whisper. I let out a sob. " She told me to tell you she's sorry and loves you, but she won't be coming back."

People say heartbreak hurts, never understood until now. Mainly cause I've never been in love before, never been head over heels or whipped until I met Evelynn. Even if it was on weird terms. Love can catch you by surprise or it won't sometimes you meet someone and just know. That was with Evelynn. I never used to believe at love at first sight, cause it sounded dumb and nonexistent. But once you lay eyes on one person and they're looking back at you, confusing and loving at the same time. Because of Evelynn I believed in these small stupid things, I grew found of the sassy little girl. Love is something people need in their lives, love can make you do stupid things, or love can just make you better. It doesn't have to be a human it can be a pet or a chapter from a show, movie, or book. The love you can feel for someone always ranges from, distant love, family love, friend love, and relationship love. Love is a strong thing, it always will be. But right now it hurts.

Juliette came over and hugged me and whispered soothing things in my ear.

But we both knew this day forward everything was going to be different. And I've never been more right.

Author's note:

I'm HIGHLY aware this is a short chapter. But I've already started on the new chapter and it's so far longer than any of my previous ones. So please just wait until the next posting day, I promise you'll enjoy it. Also next chapter is also going to be in Leia's pov.

Today's question:

Who's your celerity crush?

Mines Louis Tomlinson <3

Please feel free to comment, have a good time beautiful <3


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