mi casa es tu casa (Pt 4)

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" I can't believe you did this." I said staring at our new house.

"It's nothing much." She said with a shrug.

I turned to her and hit her upper arm.

"Leia! You bought a new house! And moved everything in and have been living in it for a week while I was away!" I said before hitting her again.

"Not my fault you're a soccer coach to your old team. And had to travel with them." She defended herself.

"Leia! I was gone for 2 weeks! 2!!" I practically yelled.

"Mom why are you yelling." I turned to see Milo and Myra walking up to us from somewhere down the street.

"You two!" I barked causing them to stop and look at their other mom.

"You knew!" I said flapping my hands around.

"Mom we had to know, we were moving our own shit." Myra says while rolling her eyes.

I visibly twitched.

"Oookay! It's time for dinner! Milo go walk with your sister to the pizza place down the street." Leia said while wrapping herself around me.

"Mom, that's outside of the neighborhood and a long walk." Milo whined but then huffing.

"Finnnneeee." He drawled out.

"Take the car." leia said getting keys out of her pockets.

"He's 15!" I called out to Leia while pointing at him.

"Yeah, with a permit baby." I just rolled my eyes and shooed them off.

"Why are you so upset about this love?" She asked while still hugging me from behind.

"Because Li-ah, I wanted it to be special the next time we moved." I said staring at our new house.

"How so?" She asked curiously.


I turned in her arms and pouted and looked at her threw my eyelashes, "because I wanted you to fuck me next to the fireplace before we moved it." I said and then batted my lashes for extra effect.

I watched as she gulped and looked towards our house.

"I can by a new one." She said looking back at me, I shook my head and she let go of me.

"Now let me explore." I said before walking on the pathway to the door.

"Evelynn!" Leia whined from behind me.

I kept walking until I opened the door.

When you first walked in to the left was a living room and to the right was a double see through doors that has a fancier living room.

Walking straight through you entered the den which had a kitchen and then a table and another sitting room, what's with all the room?

I looked past the sitting room and walked to the doors that led outside, nice backyard with a pool and a.. "tree house?!? Leia Ivy Darlington!" This shit is annoying as hell now.

I didn't even get the chance to have an opinion on it or anything, I think that's what's bugging me. But what angers me more is the fact I love everything about it.

I turned back to see Leia in the kitchen doing something. Even the kitchen is my dream kitchen!

I looked around and saw stairs that go up or down, oh my fuckin-

"Evelynn?" I looked over to see Leia holding out a mug, probably coffee.

I walked over and took it and took a sip.

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