Then there was 6 (pt5)

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*Leia's POV*

"Baby calm down you'll be fine." I told Evelynn has be rocked back on her heels while we all stood outside our house on the lawn.

Milo is on a blanket reading a book and Myra is laying down next to him on her phone.

"They'll be here soon stop worrying." I tried to calm her down while hugging her from behind and rubbing my hands up and down her arms.

"What if something happened? What is-" I moved her jaw using my hand and kissed her to silence.

"Shush you worry wort, they're fine. They aren't babies Evelynn they are soon to be thriving teens in a loving house. With two amazing moms and two loving siblings." I said and she just nodded and curled into my side as she looked down the street waiting for the car.

Today we're adopting 'emergency cases', as the adoption agency calls them. But we have 14 year old twins coming to live with us today. We took them in around 4 months ago.

But then their dad wanted them and then court happened, and so now after waiting a month our babies are coming back home to us.

The reason the agency calls them emergency cases is because their mom was an addict and overdosed and the dad wasn't in the picture. They adoption place knew about us and gave us a call about them, without missing a heartbeat Evelynn agreed to take them in.

We had them for around 3 months before their dad came back into the picture and then court.

What had Evelynn take them in so quickly was because one of the twins have sensorineural hearing loss, meaning he can hear higher pitched tones but they're muffled and it's hard to try and hear with background noise. He relies on his hearing-aid to help with this. But with it we have to talk in a even calm tone the whole time or else it'll hurt him. So me yelling at Evelynn for being dumb has to be behind closed doors.

And the other is transgender. She told me afterward about how the world is a terrible place and they would've had a hard time.

I leaned down to give her another kiss as a car finally came into view.

"Finally!" She breathed out before trying to get out of my hold, but I held her until the car stopped and the twins came pilling out.

"Eve! Leia!" They called out before hugging us.

I let go of Evelynn then as she held them both close and started crying.

"Eve! Don't cry.." Dior said as she hugged Eve back.

I was gonna say something but my breath got caught in my throat when someone collide with my stomach.

I looked down to see blond hair colliding with my black shirt.

"Hello Armani... welcome home." I said before kissing the top of his head.

I turned my head and saw Milo and Myra standing close

I petted Armani's head before he looked past me to see Myra and Milo.

He giggled happily before running and hugging Myra.

They have a weird bond.

Myra is a quite girl and with Armani they don't talk much even when he can hear but they mostly talk through movements.

Not even sign language just body movements.

I looked back to see Eve talking to the social worker and Dior walking to me, I held my hands open as she ran into them.

"Leia!" She said happily before squeezing me.

"Hey girly.." I said petting her hair down from it going everywhere.

Milo and Myra look the same, both have brown hair and green eyes, while Armani has blonde hair and hazel eyes, and then Dior having brown hair but the same hazel eyes as her brother has.

Now that I look around my kids weirdly look similar.

creepy little shi-

"Leia?" I look down to see Dior giving me a weird look but smiling nonetheless.

"yeah?" I asked and she gave me a shy smile.

"Thank you for adopting me and my brother." I smiled back at her and kissed her forehead.

"You've always been my kid but you're just now living with me." I said with a chuckle.

The twins made this joke a few months after meeting them that we are actually their parents, but they're not comfortable calling us mom or mama yet. But they said they should've been our kids from the start so we always joke about how they were just misplaced from our care for a little while.

"Let's head inside!" I called out before checking to see if Evelynn she looked back before waving me off.

"Evelynn made pasta!" That had everyone running inside while I grabbed the twin's bags and walking inside.

The twins share a room even when we have enough for them to have their own but they don't want to be away from each other.

I placed their bags down by the door and walked into the kitchen to see Milo dishing everyone some food.

"Thank you Miles." I said before cleaning up the table and then watching Myra and the twins come over and sit down.

"We have the perfect little family." Evelynn whispered from next to me while hugging me from behind. I hummed in agreement and watched my kids interact with each other with big goofy smiles on their faces.

"I still think we should at least go to Disney now." Evelynn said from behind me.

I laughed at her and turned around to face her and kissed her.

She happily responded while her hands went around my neck and pulled me down so she wasn't on her tip-toes anymore.

"Ewww!!!" Multiple voices called out causing us to part and then look at them.

Milo rolled his eyes and went back to eating.

Myra just blushed, she's caught us multiple times and is probably scarred.

Dior has caught us in the kitchen about to get dirty on accident so she has a full on blush but a big smile as well.

And Armani is our good little boy and hasn't caught us, well yet. But he's just looking at us with eyes that hold nothing but admiration.

"Come eat!" Milo called out.

Evelynn rolled her eyes "I was eating the best thing I could until you brat-"

I leaned down and kissed her again.

"She has some sexual tension sorry kids." I said with a happy smirk.

"Go solve it then."

"Go away then."

"Come eat actual food!"

"This how is like the gay agenda as people."

Evelynn looked back at me with an adoring smile.

"I'm happy you were fucking my neighbor."

This caused the kids to go apeshit.


I was feeling fancy and wanted to name kids after clothing brands, so then Dior and Armani were born.

Thoughts? Questions?

Onto the last part! Some of y'all are gonna hate me even more

I hope you enjoyed!


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