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Toni's POV
2 months later

I woke up, rolled over, and felt the bed for Kenny. I didn't feel him and I didn't hear the shower water running. Looking up at his pillow I saw that he left me a note.

Good morning sweetheart, I went to work for an hour or two but don't stress yourself. I'll make it back before the photoshoot. Kiss the girls for me. Love you. ♡︎

"I love you too." I said to myself. Smelling the note he sprayed his cologne on it. I smiled. He knew that I liked it when he sprayed his cologne on the little notes that he gives me. I looked at the baby monitor and saw Sienna still asleep. I'm guessing that Peyton is asleep too since she didn't come in the room yet. Getting out of bed I did my hygiene and went downstairs to make breakfast.

"Morning mommy."

"Good morning sweet pea." I kissed her cheek before setting her on the counter.

"Mommy is today picture day?"

"Yes, it is. Are you excited?"

"Mmhmm, I get to take pictures with you daddy and Sisi."

"You know Sienna is going to be taking more pictures than us right?"

"Yeah, 'cause it's her birthday."

"No princess it's not her birthday. It's just a photoshoot all for her." She nodded her head. I put out some food for Peyton then went to go check on Sienna since I didn't have the baby monitor with me. Walking inside her room she was still asleep.

Aww, my baby looks so precious

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Aww, my baby looks so precious. I walked out of the room but stepped on one of her squeaky toys and she woke up.

"Hi, mommy's princess." I picked her up and placed her on the changing table.

"I know you are hungry." I said because she started fussing. After I changed her diaper I sat down in the rocking chair and breastfed her.

"Slow down baby." I said caressing her head.


Nobody's POV

Sienna and Peyton were taking a little nap because Toni didn't want them to be cranky at the photoshoot. Toni just came out of the shower and she was wearing a Victoria Secret bra and underwear set. Looking for clothes in her closet a figure came behind her and smacked her butt. Turning around her mean mug turned into a smile seeing that the person was Kenny whom she thought was one of her sisters playing with her.

"Ken! You scared me." She said playfully hitting his chest.

"Dang, I don't get no I love you or nothing?"

"Fuck you." She said jokingly and sticking up her middle finger at Kenny. Swiftly grabbing her waist he pinned her against the wall and he stood in front of her.

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