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Double update 🤪

3 Weeks Later
Kenny's POV

Ever since I proposed to Toni a couple of weeks ago she has been acting distant towards me. She still interacts with Peyton and we still sleep in the same bed but other than that I get no "I love you" no kisses or hugs. We talk but over conversations only last about 30 seconds. I don't know what's wrong with her cause she won't speak to me or even look at me for a long time. So since Toni's at work and Peyton is at school I'm going to go talk to Ms. E to see if she can tell me what's up with Toni.

Ms. E's house

"Hi, son what brings you by?" She asked me as we sat on the couch.

"I just needed to talk to you and ask you a few questions."

"About Toni?"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"I felt it." She said touching her heart.

"What's going on with her?" She asked.

"Toni's been very distant lately ever since I proposed to her. No hugs, kisses, or 'I love you'. She won't even talk to me so I don't know what's going on with her." I explained.

"Oh, I think I know what's wrong with her."

"Why is it?"

"She's scared." Evelyn spoke.

"Scared of what?"


"What's so scary about love?"

"You see, she's scared to love you because after Keri proposed to her he hurt her really bad. So she thinks every guy is going to be like Keri." She explained to Kenny.

"What did he do to her?"

"That's for Toni to tell you not me."

What does she mean by that?

"So she thinks that I'm going to hurt her?" I questioned confused as to why Toni will think that.


"But I'm not." I said in honesty.

"She doesn't know that. You have to tell her."

"How? She won't talk to me or even look at me."

"Keep asking her questions until she talks or just force her to talk." The oven beeped indicating that her biscuits were ready. She got up and went to the kitchen to take them out.

"So what should I do to make her talk?" I said following her into the kitchen.

"Start with little questions then once she starts talking you can ask her harsher questions about Keri."

"Okay. Thank you." I said kissing her cheek and hugging her. When I hugged her I took a biscuit. Them shits was hot.

"Your welcome and I hope you burn your mouth." She replied chucking. I left out of her house and closed the door. Once I got in the car I made a phone call to my mom.

-Hey mom.

-Hey, What's going on? You only call me when you want something.

-That's not true.


-Anyway, I called to ask you if you could watch Peyton for a week.

-Like I said you only call when you need something and yes I'll watch my grandbaby.

-Thanks. I'll send you the address to her preschool and the time that she gets out.

-Okay, love you.

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