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Toni's POV

So y'all know how Peyton sucks her thumb? Yeah, it's gotten worse. She sleeps with her thumb in her mouth, talks with her thumb in her mouth, and watches tv with her thumb in her mouth. The only time she doesn't have it in her mouth is when she's eating or drinking something and if we go out in public which I guess is good. We are trying to break that habit because when she starts kindergarten we don't want her to suck her thumb during her classes.

"Pey come here for a second."

"Okay, where are you?"

"In the kitchen." A couple of seconds later she walked in with Cash trotting at her side.

"Come let me put this on your finger so you can stop sucking your thumb." I dipped her finger in vinegar. When she puts her finger back in her mouth and tastes the vinegar she'll probably take it out.

Nobody's POV
30 minutes later

Toni walked inside the living room and saw Peyton watching tv and guess what. She was sucking her thumb.

"What happened to the vinegar I put on your finger?" Toni asked taking a seat on the couch.

"I licked it off." She facepalmed herself and groaned. Toni forgot Peyton eats salt and vinegar chips so the vinegar on her finger wasn't anything.

"Okay fine I'm done trying." Toni went upstairs to FaceTime Kenny.


"Just leave her be. She's just going to need braces when she gets older." Kenny said on the other line.

"For me, it's not the fact that she'll need braces when she gets older, it's the fact that when she starts school I don't want her to suck her thumb in class."

"By the time she goes to school she's gonna be out of that phase."

"Babe, didn't you suck on your thumb when you were younger?"

"No." He lied.

"Yes, you did. If I call Ms. Barbara right now what will she say?"

"Okay fine I did."

"When did you stop?"

"Around the age of 4."

"You're lying again because you told me that you stopped at 7."

"Alright I did, I did." Kenny said putting his hands up in surrender.

"That means that Pey is most likely going to stop at 7 too."

"I promise you she's not. Since your so worried when I come home we can talk to her together."

"Thank you."

"What you got under that robe?" Kenny asked changing the whole subject.

"Bye Ken." She chuckled hanging up the phone on him. After she got off the phone with Kenny she FaceTimed the group chat that had her brother, sisters, and mom in it.

"What do you want Michele?" Tamar asked with an attitude. Soon everyone joined the call.

"I have a crisis."

"Menopause?" Traci and Towanda asked.

"Midlife?" Trina and Michael asked at the same time also.

"No can y'all just be serious for once."

"Okay. Tell us about your crisis."

"Peyton likes to suck her thumb."

"Awww hell." Evelyn said.

"That's not too bad." Michael said.

"Yes, it is. Kenny sucked his and stopped when he was 7."

"Aww double hell." Evelyn said catching on to what Toni was saying.

"Peyton's gonna stop soon." Trina said surely.

"How you know?"

"For starters, I'm pretty sure she doesn't suck her thumb all the time. Right?"

"Right. Mom, what did you do to us when we used to suck our thumbs?" Toni said making her siblings face scrunch up in confusion.

"We used to suck our thumbs?!" They all asked.

"Yes, all y'all did even Toni."

"No, I'm pretty sure I didn't." She said in denial.

"You stopped when you were about one and a half or two. When I used to catch that thumb close or in y'all mouth I gave y'all a tap on y'all behind." She said truthfully.

"I can't tap her behind because 1. I don't like to hit kids or anything in that sort and 2. She's not my child."

"But- never mind." Tamar said stopping herself with her eyebrows furrowed.

"When Lolo and Ash sucked their thumbs I put vinegar on their finger

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"When Lolo and Ash sucked their thumbs I put vinegar on their finger."

"I did that and she licked it off. It's because she eats those salt and vinegar chips with Kevon and Melvin."

"Well, that child ain't gonna stop anytime soon." Evelyn said truthfully.

"I have an idea. You tried putting like those baby mittens over her hands?" Towanda asked.

"I used a pair of her socks."


"Turns out it had a hole in it and she poked her thumb through it." They all laughed.

"Guys it's not funny. She's gonna have a lisp when she gets older or a really bad overbite."

Well, she'll stop when she wants too." Traci said and they agreed.

"Thanks for the help." Toni said sarcastically.


Short chapter, late update, I know

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