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Toni's POV

Today I just had a normal check-up with Jackie then after we were going to go have lunch at Mr. Chow. I quickly got dressed and got in my car. Putting my key into the ignition I drove off on my way to the hospital.


I arrived at the hospital and waited for them to call my name.

"Braxton." I got up and she guided me to a room.

"Dr. Jackie will be here in a few."

"Thanks," I said taking a seat and waiting for Jackie. She came a few seconds later.

"Hey, girl."

"Hi T. How you feeling?"


"Your lupus not acting up?"

"I have my days."

"Okay. You know the drill." I groaned. I hate blood testing. We got up and went into the blood testing room.

"Just don't look."

"I'm not seven." I chuckled.

"So-" Jackie started.

"What's tea?"

"It's not tea. I have to tell you something it's really important." She said putting an empty tube in the needle so it can fill up with my blood.

"Your pregnant?"

"No. Keri was here the other day and I tested his blood. He has HIV."

"Good for him." I laughed.

"Since no tests can determine who he got the HIV from or how long he had it for, you might have HIV too." My whole mood changed as I looked at her like she had three heads.

"Oh my god."

"I know you and Kenny have been sexually active and you might have HIV-"

"You think he caught HIV from me if I have it?" I asked shocked.

"Yeah. I know what I discuss with my patients is confidential but you're my best friend and I felt the need to tell you, cause knowing Keri he wasn't gonna tell you."

"I appreciate it. That's why you're taking my blood?"

"Yes. Toni look, whatever the results are you just have to take the medication and you'll be fine."

"Okay but having HIV and lupus to top it off, can't you die?" I asked because their both auto immune diseases and it's going to be attacking my insides.

"It's possible but studies show that if you have lupus and you end up having HIV, it's called a double rare infection. Which means that your lupus makes antibodies that fight off HIV." She said placing a bandaid on my arm.

"So if I did have HIV and the antibodies fought it off that means that Kenny doesn't have it?"

"No, the antibodies don't just fight off in 5 minutes, he still has to get tested." I nodded my head running my fingers through my hair. I had so many questions running through my head; What if I have HIV? What if Kenny has HIV? How am I going to tell Kenny this? How is he going to react? Will he leave me? What if I die? What if he dies?

"Toni I know that you are scared-"

"Scared?! That's an understatement. I'm fucking frightened!" I said throwing my head back on the chair and bouncing my leg.

"When am I gonna get the test results?"

"In about 5-7 business days but I'll put a rush on it so you'll most likely get it in two days."

"Thanks," I said gathering my things.

"So much for lunch after huh?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna go home and find out a way to tell Kenny."

"Good luck." She said and I walked out of the hospital. I sat in my car and started crying. I might have HIV.


Arriving at Kenny's house I took a deep breath getting out of the car. I opened the house door and Peyton greeted me.

"Hi, auntie."

"Hi is your dad in his office?"

"Yes." I walked into the living room and Peyton walked back to watch tv.

"I'm going to be in his office, knock before you come in."

"Yes ma'am." I knocked on his office door before entering.

"Hey, baby."

"Hi," I said without any emotion sitting on his lap. I saw him frown at me.

"What's wrong?"

"Keri has HIV." He starting laughing.

"Kennn!" I whined.

"Sorry continue."

"Jackie told me and since no tests can determine who he got the HIV from or how long he had it for I might have HIV too."

"And since we've been sexually active I could have HIV if you have it?" He finished for me.

"Correct," I said just above a whisper.

"Toni what the fuck?!" He yelled.

"Stop yelling at me! Kenny, it's not my fault! I didn't know until today." I said on the verge of tears.

"Sorry, damn. What about your lupus?"

"Jackie said it a double rare disease and my lupus antibodies can fight off the HIV if I have it. It doesn't mean that you don't have it you still have to get tested." I wiped my eyes and he looked at me.

"Okay, I'll get my blood taken tomorrow."

"Ken, what if we are positive? We can die." I said scared.

"Nobody's gonna die baby and whatever the results are I'll still be by your side."

"Me too. I love you."

"I love you too." He said then kissed my lips. It's good to know that he didn't leave me because I don't know what I would do if he did.


Nobody's POV

Today the test results came in the mail. Toni and Kenny get to find out if they tested negative or positive for HIV. Peyton was at school so it was the perfect time for them to open the results.

"Ken I'm scared," Toni said sitting on the couch with her envelope on the coffee table. She was just staring at it. She hasn't touched it since it came in the mail today. Kenny took a seat on the couch next to her with his results in his hand.

"Babe like I said the other day 'whatever the results are I'll still be by your side'." Toni nodded taking a deep breath. She picked up the envelope and they both opened it at the same time. Looking at their results it both said...

Until next time 😈😈


Looking at their results it both said negative. They released a breath they didn't know that was trapped inside them.


I wasn't going to make them have HIV but I wanted y'all to think that they did test positive 😈

"What did you say NIgHa?"

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