Chapter 3

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As Marlene entered the compartment she could hear how noisy the three boys were alone, if you add James in they will be extra loud. She knew that she could leave if they got to loud tho.

James took a set next to Sirius Black of who McKinnon had seen before at quidditch, and the Gryffindor common room. She just never found the need to talk to him sure she had to say a few words to him sometimes she tho never took an interest in having a full blown conversation with him. She also knew he was good with the girls witch made her scrunch up her nose when she thought about him with several girls.

She then to a set next to Remus Lupin across from James. She thought that Remus was a pleasant guy as he was smart and never made fun of kids like Sirius and James he was just there to watch as she did to, she also knew he was quite shy and not the best when it came to the girls, tho she did find some girl's mooning over him as they thought he was cute. She had talked to him before saying she had a few class projects with him or he offered to help her with her work when Lily was not there to.

She then noticed the last boy that sat to the side of Remus. She did not know him at all he was awfully kind one time he had helped her pick her books up after a Slytherin snaked them out of her hands. He was also scared of people, he did what they said and laughed at there jokes even if they were not funny, and when she tried to speak to him he would act like he did not hear her or talk to someone he knew so she would just keep walking. She knew he was not good with the girls at all he was to shy and they probably thought he was a weird kid, or looked weird. She just wanted to give him a chance at being friends he just never took it.

" Excuse me this is Lily Evens you already know her saying I talk about her way to much." When he said that all the boys faced her and laughed at James and his remark as so did I. " And you may already know Marlene McKinnon she is my childhood best friend" as he looked at me and smiled knowing I did not like it when I got all the attention and could see my face get a little pink.

  " Hi I am Sirius Black you probably already know that from quidditch." He said smiling I looked over at Lily to see she was rolling her eyes at Sirius.

  " I am Remus you already know me." He said not that loud but loud enough for me to hear what he was saying, he said it not even looking at me he had his head barred into a book. I looked back over at Lily to see what she thought and she had her face also in a book.

  The last boy was vary quite when he said " Hi I am Peter you probably have seen me but probably have not talked to me." I peeked over at the boy and waved so that he would not be so nervous. He leaned over also to see what I was singing to him, he smiled as I waved it made me feel happy. When leaning back against my seat I saw that Sirius was rolling his eyes at Peter.


  Half way threw the ride James leaned over to me to ask a question, I also learned in to see what he was going to ask " Do you want sweets from the trolley" I leaned back in my seat and shook my head no to his question.

  When the trolley came around James got up and gave her a long list of sweets the boys asked for. Lily in shook dropped he book in her lap to the amount of sweets they asked for and then looked to see my reaction I was just looking up at James.

  The lady handed all the sweets to James, as James reached in his pocket he pooled out a whole stack of coins to give to her, Lily's jaw dropped to the amount that he took out and look at me again to see me with a plain look on my face.

  " Dear you are missing ten coins" the lady said stoping James from closing the door.  James dug in his poker again looking for more money that he had. He pulled out only five. He shrugged at Sirius in confusion. He went to grab the candy she gave him when I hopped up and gave her five of mine.

  "Have a good day miss." I said with a smile on my face when she walked away and I closed the door.

  " I owe you five coins now" James said turning around putting the candy he had picked up back down and smiled as he looked at me in relief that I saved his ass.

  " No you owe me ten because I got you mom and dad there birthday presents this summer" I said with a smile on my face as James turned bright pink in embarrassment, as the three other boys laughed at him.

  After a little I started to doze off. At some point I feel asleep and leaned my head on Lily's shoulder as she let me sleep peacefully.


  Hope you in joyed chapter three as it took longer that is going to be it for today feel free to leave feedback and ideas :)

( reminder these are not my character these all belong to J.K Rowling and in no way am I saying they are mine)

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