Chapter 6

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  "See McKinnon I don't see the point of this class so you pay attention" as Sirius turned to look at me he noticed I was looking at a Ravenclaw that was flirting with me. "Or I can pay attention"Sirius said in a frustrated voice.


  "So who was that" said Sirius looking down at me with a tense face as we left class.

  "You don't need to know" I  said in a happy tone and smiled looking at the boy I was during class. "See ya" I said as I skipped to my next class.


  As Sirius and James walked in the library, after all there classes, they looked around real fast to find Remus. Once they found him Sirius and James sat across from him.

  After a few moments James taped Sirius on the should and pointed at a part of the library. "Oi look at Marlene " James said in a silly tone

  Sirius looked over at me and the Ravenclaw boy and said "When did she become a flirt" in an annoyed voice and looked away.

  "Why do you want to know and do your work now" Remus snapped at the two boys in an stern voice. James and Sirius laughed as Remus looked back down at his work.


  "Marlene get down here show me where the firewhiskey is" James yelled up at the girls bed rooms in a cheerful voice.

  I came rushing down the stairs "why" I said in an concerned voice with my eyebrows all scrunched up. "Are you d-" Sirius cut me off.

  "No, and I want some to" Sirius said in a annoyed voice, as he sat on the couch in the common room looking up at the ceiling, as he said it and looked back down.

  "I will grab it" I said walking up the stairs. A few moments later I came back down the stairs with the firewhiskey. "Found it" I said in a cheerful voice and opened the bottle and took a shot. "Good night" I said in a silly voice looking at James and walked up the stairs.

  "Oi Marlene bring the firewhiskey back down here" said James in a stern voice looking up the stairs.

"I think I am fine" I said looking down the stairs to see James and laughed at him.


"Later that night I came down stairs a little tipsy and walked threw the fat lady painting. Soon enough I found myself outside. I went and sat by the black lake . Ten minutes later I laid down with a tree as my pillow. The last thing I saw was a black dog and the crescent moon." I said to Lily confused.

  "Well you were in bed this morning so I don't know what your talking about Marley." Lily said also in a confused voice. We were in the great hall for breakfast waiting for the others again.

  "Well hello ladies" James said in a funny toned voice. As he sat down with the rest of the marauders following and sitting down.

  "Hello James" I said in an annoyed voice saying he had interrupted me and Lily. I looked across from me to see who sat down. I had made eye contact with a pair of grey eyes.

  "Oi Marlene you owe me a bottle of firewhiskey" James said in an silly but agitated voice as he looked over at me, I quickly broke eye contact with the pair a grey eyes and looked back at him.

  The rest of our friends came in and filled in they were ready finally.

  "What took you so long" I said in a worried voice as I looked over at Dorcas who was sitting next to me.

  "Well Alice could not find her brush or her rob because Mary was using her brush and also had moved Alices rob" Dorcas said in an annoyed voice as she was waiting for them the whole time.

  "Oh" I said in a funny voice trying not to laugh at Alice or Mary.


  Later that week we had a quidditch game the first of the season and James was hyped about it he would not stop talking about it.

"Marley you got to get up you have quidditch" Lily said in a pity voice.

"Fine" I said in a scratchy voice. Lily would wake me up when she got up when I had quidditch games normally she wakes us up when she is done getting ready. I went to the bathroom brushed my teeth and threw my hair up into a high ponytail, I had sometime so I sat down on my bed and did my homework.

"Time to put on your equipment" Lily said as she put down her book ready to wake the other three girls. I got up and put on my outfit for quidditch and ran down stairs to see James was already down there ready.

"Your early James" I said in a happy voice as I went to stand next to him waiting for the rest of the team.

"I could not help myself I am so excited for this match I have not been able to play this whole summer mum and dad want to keep me safe" James said in a super happy voice.

"Have they decided which house we are spending Christmas at" I asked in a normal voice and tone my family and James family always spent Christmas together and we stay at the same house the whole time.

"Ya we are staying at yours, and it is my year to bring two friends to so it will be way more fun" every year the parents let a kid pick two friends to stay with us and it was James year, James got even more happy when he talked about it. I smiled at the fact that he was this happy it had been a while since the last time I saw him this way.

"Hurry up" our captain said to the rest of the boys that were not down the stairs, I was the only girl on the team, the other girls were either wanting to just watch the boys play or where not as good as the boys.

"Now today we are going to play" our captain said.

"Rough and tough" the whole team shouted.

"And we are going to" the team captain said.

"Win" the team shouted again.


We were all ready lined up ready to go and win the first game this season. Our captain wanted to show his team off so he had the three chasers and the two beaters flay with the seeker to make a triangle. Of course that meant James would fly in the front with the two beaters behind him Sirius and my brother Mark. Then the chasers behind the beaters witch meant me behind Sirius, Kiln Fran behind Mark, and Noran Nork behind all of us in the center.

"We are going to do great now in positions so the game can start" our captain yelled at us as we flew over to our positions.


Hope you in joyed this chapter and if you have ideas or feedback please tell and I will probably include it at some point :)

(These characters all belong to J.K Rowling and in no way am I claiming them as mine)

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