Chapter 30

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A/n ~ this takes place at the end of there 7th year, this my be a short chapter so sorry.

"Lily do I have your permission to throw one last party for our last night at Hogwarts" James asked with the best smile he could give.

"Let me think about it" Lily said with a stern look.

"But I still have to get the stuff and plan somewhat, please please" James begged.

"You have to let me read my book" Lily said trying to make a deal so she could finally read her new book.

"Fine but I still want you to come and enjoy your last night hear and have fun and shit" James said trying to pep her up.

"No" Lily said bluntly, head in her book.

"You'll never get another chance might as well" James said trying to convince her.

"What do I have to do to shut you up" Lily said after thirty minutes of begging. Truly it felt like thirty years.

"Come to my party" James said with a smile.

"No" Lily said bluntly again.

"Please" James said.

"Fine if you would just shut up" Lily fussed then got back to reading. James ran up to the boys dorm room form the common room where he was talking to Lily.

"Guess what boys we are throwing a party" James said while jumping all around.

"Really you convinced Evans" Sirius said with his eyebrows raised.

"Yes, yes I did and guess what" James said even more excited.

"What" Sirius said.

"She is coming" James said with a huge smile on his face.

"No bloody way she is" Sirius said now getting up from his bed.

"Yep I swear I am going to marry that girl" James said cheerfully.

"How did you get her to do all these things" Sirius asked confused how James gets her out of her comfort zone so often now.

"Annoying her how else" James giggled out.

"Of course you do" Sirius said not surprised. "Is Moony coming" Sirius asked.

"Let's annoy him next" James said as he dragged Sirius with him.

"Lily have you seen Remus" Sirius asked.

"Nah maybe he is in the library" she said. Once the boys left she laughed something about them is so outrageous she can't help but laugh.

"Why are you laughing" Marlene asked as she came down stairs.

"Just the boys there so spontaneous it is hard to tell what they will do next" she giggled out.

"Lily I think your in love" Marlene said in a romantic voice.

"Me to Marlene" Lily said and started to go in circles around the room with her.

"Remus ya in here" James called out.

"What is it this time" Remus said as he poked his head out from behind a book shelf.

"Lily is letting us throw a party will you help" Sirius said leaning against James.

"And why would I do that" Remus asked.

"Because it is our last day here ever and we must enjoy it before there is nothing left but proof we went here" James said with a smile on his face.

"Mmm what about no" Remus said.

"Don't be stubborn Moony come with us and we will get Peter also so it is the boys party" Sirius said.

"What if I have plans already" Remus said.

"To sit around and read" James said.

"Yes" Remus responded.

"Boring come on" Sirius and James said in union.

"Fine just so you will leave me alone, but there are rules I will not dance I will not drink I will sit and just watch" Remus puffed out annoyed.

"Alright as long as you are there" James said.

"Now we just need the girls" Sirius said.

"What about Peter" James asked.

"He will do what we say don't worry" Sirius said bluntly. The two boys make there way back to the common room to see a group of girls dancing to nothing but there humming.

"What in the bloody hell have we just walked in on" Sirius whispered to James.

"I don't know maybe a sèance" James whispered back.

"I think so to" Sirius whispered.

"Think they made contact with the died yet" James whisperers back.

"I think the ghost are in them" Sirius whisperers.

"I think they are just dancing" a ghost says behind them.

"Or that" James says.

"Hey guys your ready to get this party going" Sirius yelled.

"I have fire-whiskey I will be back" Marlene says.

"I will go get each year" Lily says.

"You got her in a good mood" James says to the others.

"Yep" the girls all say and then giggle. Once Marlene got the fire-whiskey she put a spell on it so only sixth and seventh years can drink it, James put music on and Lily got the others it was a party.

"Why is it so bloody loud" Remus said as he walked in halfway threw the party.

"Remus" James shouted obviously drunk.

"Oh no" is all that can leave Remus mouth.

"Have you seen Sirius I lost him" James says as he raps an arm around Remus.

"I just got here James" Remus says.

"Ah that is right let's get you a drink" James says.

"That is one of my rules I will not drink I will watch so I am going to sit, you have fun" Remus says as he goes and sits down on a chair that is now pushed against the wall.

"Hello there" a sluggish Marlene says.

"Not you to" Remus says.

"I am sober no worries just tired I danced a lot already" she says and grins at him.

"Oh so your not drinking" Remus asks.

"Who said that" Marlene giggled.

"Oh okay" Remus says.

When the party dies down some of the years go to bed in there dorms were the rest sleep on the floor or in the chairs and sofas that are still against the walls.

"The school will clean it up" Remus says at he heads up stairs to go to bed.

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