Chapter 22

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When the death eaters got to the three broomsticks they came threw every entree, they also blew a wall down. I dove under the booth we were in. I was horrified, Sirius was not there and all the other kids had made a run for it. It was as if I could not move I was stiff.

"Ahh. Ahh. I found one" A girl said as she snatched me up.

"Wonderful find Bella" A familiar voice said form the other side of the room said.

"Shall we kill her now" Bella said shoving me a little.

"No we shall. Tear her to pieces one day at I time" The male voice said stepping forward.

"What a great idea" Bella said taping my check with her fingers.

"What is your name" the male voice said aggressively.

"M-m-Marlene" I said stumbling over my words.

"Are you scared Marlene" Bella said pulling me by my arm.

"No" I said fast even before I realized what I had said I knew that I was scared.

"Oh you will be" the male voice said now stepping into my range of view, it was Lucius Malloy. After a bit the death eaters met up with each other and then used a apparition spell to take me and the others who were captured to a dungeon.

"There you go Marlene" Bella said as she shoved me into a cage. "Say what is your last name" Bella said confused but also looked scary.

"McKinnon" I said after a little bit of silence it was as if I had forgotten my last name, I almost said Black but then corrected myself.

"Oh your a half-blood. This shall be fun. It will be fun to kill you like we killed your muggle father" Bella said mocking me. (In this story Marlene is a half-blood, and only James knows for clarity, just deal with it)

"Bella the dark lord want to talk to you" a man interrupted.

"I will see you later McKinnon" Bella said as she tapped her fingers on the bars of the holding cell.


Sirius' POV:

When we got to Hogwarts we all were tended to I had gotten hit in the leg and the back. I took a quick glance for Marlene but there were to many people.

Lucky for me I was able to go to diner with my friends. I had not herd a word about a Marlene, or a McKinnon.

"Hey guys" I said as I took a seat next to James I was a little late do to the face my leg was rapped.

"Shh" Lily said with a stern face.

"Hello students I know today was unexpected. I have a list of kids who were captured and killed" Dumbledore said. He read the list of kids who died, there was a lot, it was quite sad luckily I did not here, Marlene, or McKinnon. Then he read a list of the kids who were captured, "Marlene McKinnon" He said. His voice echoed in my head, as tho it was announcing it to my whole brain to react. After he had finished I got up and left. I went to the dorm and just broke down.

"Padfoot" James said as he opened our door a crack.

"Yes" I sniffed.

"Are you okay" James said walking up to my bed now, were I was sitting.

"Ya" I said then let out a fake giggle.

"Did you not know about Marlene" James said now leaning his head on my shoulder.

"I am not upset about Marlene" I said lying threw my teeth.

"Sirius your face broke when you heard her name" James said now patting me on the back.

"It did" I said clueless that my face had done that.

"Ya" James said.

"I did not notice. James" I said worried about what I was going to say.

"Yes" James said in a concerned voice.

"I love her" I said then broke down and cried into James.

"I do to" James said then he started to cry now.


Marlenes POV:

"Hey" a girl said she was also in the holding cell.

"Hello" I said I crawled over to her, Bella had put a wait on my ankle, and it was heavy.

"What is your name" the girl said.

"I am Marlene McKinnon, what is yours" I said with a smile on my face as I looked down at her.

"Nice to meet you I am Sally Dran" She said she seemed a little happier. "What year are you" Sally said a little nervous.

"Sixth. What about you. You seem young" I said worried she was young.

"I am a second year" Sally said. When I heard her say that something broke in me, a kid so young.

"I am sorry your here. But listen it will all be okay. I promise" I said as I hugged her.

"Thanks" She said with a smile on her face.

"Your welcome. You go to bed" I said as I patted my lap so she would use me as a pillow.


"Grab the girl" Bella said pointing at the sleeping girl in my lap.

"No no no no no no. Please take me instead" I said as I shot up carefully so I would not wake the girl up.

"Hmm. Grab her" Bella said pointing at me now. "Give her here" Bella said as she grabbed my arm. "I want to do this one by myself" She said then dragged me upstairs. I did not know were I was it felt horrible.

"What are you going to do" I said scared.

"I said we are going to tear you apart one day at a time. Why not start now" Bella said with a creepy smile. She then shoved me into a chair and put my arm so you could see my veins. She took her wand out and carved half-blood in my arm. It had hurt so bad but I did not give her the satisfaction of it.


Hoped you liked this chapter. I don't have that much to say so please tell ideas or feedback.

(These characters belong to J.K Rowling and in no way am I claiming them as mine)

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