Chapter 28

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A/n- sorry that this is a short chapter I wanted to just talk about the beginning of there 7th year.

Marlenes POV-

  I woke up this morning to my younger brother Maxwell tapping me on the shoulder.

  "Come on Marlene we got to go we can't be late James just got up" Maxwell said happily. I have not seen him happy since mothers death. Me and my brothers have been in a hole of sorrow and it keeps getting deeper and deeper.

  "Okay I am up I packed last night so all I have to do is eat and get my trunk in the car" I said happily, also due to the fact my brother seemed so cheerful. Maxwell believes Hogwarts is home away from home, even tho our home is not actually our home now.

  I woke Mathew and Mason so they could go to work. I feel as tho when the war is over and I have kids I will be a good mother. I hope to also have them with Sirius and we can all live happily. 

  When I walked into the dining room which was connected to the kitchen the room was full and a bustle. Mathew and Mason trying to eat before work. James and Sirius flinging food all around with there spoons. Mrs.Potter yelling at then to stop. Mr.Potter just laughing at the scenery around him. Maxwell shoving food in his mouth and trying to buckle his belt at the same time. And me just getting my food.

  "Hello Marlene you-" James said but was interrupted by egg hitting him in the face. When I looked over at Sirius his lips were in a straight line trying not to laugh at the ridiculous face James was making.

  "YOU IDIOT" James yelled and picked up his toast may I add it had a generous amount of jam on it and smushed it into Sirius face. I could not help myself I had to burst out laughing. Even threw the hard times those two always seemed to make me laugh and smile especially James since we have known each other forever.

  "You two are both idiots you go clean off and get ready to go to school" Mrs.Potter yelled. "And you Marlene you just sit there and look pretty as always" she said looking at me, I was the only girl so she in joyed having me being around. I smiled at her and then took a big bight of my toast.

Time skip-

Once the boys were ready we got in the car and drove to the train station. It was the worst of rides if you ask me, Sirius and James sat next to each other like the ridiculous lads they are they sang the whole car ride and danced in there seats. I closed my eyes it was impossible to nap to you probably know what at this point. But poor Maxwell could not sit still for the life of him he was so excited.

  "Grab your trunks lets go" Mrs.Potter said. "And help Marlene, James don't want her getting hurt do we she is to precious" she said and made a cute little old lady face at me. I feel bad for her. She has to send us away and take care of Mr.Potter. Mr.Potter has come down with dragonpox they are deadly and have some horrible effects on a wizards body during and after having them.

  It did not take us long to find the others. When I got in the compartment Lily hugged me and told me the good news that she was head girl this year. I had found out that James was head boy only yesterday and that was some news if you ask me. I decided to keep that information a secret and so did Sirius, I think both me and him had the same thing in mind. James was definitely delighted but did not tell her also, I think he wanted to surprise her as if he was a bushel of flowers.

  Right after Lily left to go to the head girl and boy meeting James made his dues and left, he had a funny smirk on his face when he closed the compartment door. When they left, both me and Sirius could not contain ourselves and had a giggling fit.

  Once the meeting was done Lily came back looking delighted but also pleased. (Don't take it in that way I swear) James came back the happiest I have ever seen him it was exactly what I was expecting.

  "DID YOU KNOW" Lily mouthed to me. I shook my head happily back at her. In return of course she rolled her eyes at me, for some reason could not tell you why if you asked me.

Time skip-

When we got to the castle we had our grand feast. Half way threw tho I looked over at Lily who was not paying any mind to what she was shoving in her mouth all she cared about was what she was looking at. When I followed were her eyes were directed my eyes landed on no one other than the man himself James Potter. Once I noticed what was happening I looked back at her and gave her a devilish smile even tho she was not looking.

  After our feast we headed to our dorms and went to bed I was extremely excited tho for tomorrow to tell James everything.

A/n- I extremely excited to write some cute Jily stuff idk okay bye.

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