Chapter 17

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  "Why does it take girls so long to pick a cot" James said wanting to go and get stuff for pranks.

  "We have have only been standing here for three minutes" I said giving him a dirty look from over my shoulder.

  "That is a while" James said rolling his eyes, then we both exchanged a giggle.

  After we got a cot we headed to the shop were James went to get all his stuff to prank me in the summer.

  "You guys are taking a while" I said with a disgusted face when I read my watch to see we had been here for three minutes.

  "Oh shut it" James said rolling his eyes, and in response I waked him on the back of the head, then did the same to Sirius.

  "Hey what was that for I did not say a single thing" Sirius said with his eyebrows scrunched up when looking at me.

  "No reason just did it" I said looking at him with my eyebrows raised as tho if he was challenging me.

  "Sirius" James said showing Sirius something but hiding it from me, it made Sirius laugh in return.

  "Bye it" Sirius said now glancing at me with a smirk on his face, and me with a confused face.

  "What was it" I said whispering to Lily as I grabbed her and pulled her to the side.

  "I don't know. Oh my god Marlene I just had the best idea, this may sound odd coming out of my mouth but we should get them back" Lily said with a smirk on her face.

  "Bloody hell Lily I love you" I said with my eyes wide open and a smirk on my face. Me and Lily bought a few things also but not showing the boys.

  When we got to the house the boys setup a prank on Mark. Witch made everyone laugh at him.

  After dinner Lily had me set up the first prank in the bathroom witch I did. But in a turn of events when getting out of the shower I tripped and hit my bed on the corner of the bathroom counter.

  "Well that was fun" I said getting up. When I got up I noticed I had hit my head and it had split open, and blood was spewing out. "Eww, well I should go get mum" I said and ran out of the bathroom and downstairs. "Mum" I yelled out looking for her.

  "Yes dear we all are still eating dinner" my mum said which made my eyes wide.

  "Umm, there is a problem" I said still standings at the stairs.

  "Is that why there was a bang" she said now sounding confused.

  "Yes" I said trying to get her to come to me.

  "Come here" my mum said.

  "Umm. About that mum" I said, still standing there not moving.

  "Oh my" my Mrs.Potter said. "Is it from James" she said now sounding frustrated.

  "No" I said with my eyes wide open. Mrs.Potter came and saw me just standing there.

  "Oh Marlene your face is covered in blood you should have just came in" Mrs.Potter said now taking me by the hand and sitting me on the couch.

  "Well that would be a problem. Maxwell does not like blood" I said.

  "Forget Maxwell your bleeding bad" Mrs.Potter said now getting up and leaving. When she left James, Sirius, Lily came in with there eyes wide open.

  "Bloody hell" James said taking a seat with his eyes still wide open.

  "Shut it" I said giving him a look.

  "Your even scarier with blood all over you face" said James looking more calm.

  "It can't be that bad" I said rolling my eyes.

  "Have you seen yourself" Lily said worried.

  "No but it does not feel bad I have had worse" I said calm trying not to laugh.

  "Marlene" Sirius said with a concerned voice. Mrs.Potter walked in with needle and thread.

  "Hello old pals" I said picking up the needle pack and thread smiled.

  "How many times have you gotten seriously hurt" Lily mocked.

  "I have three brothers" I said giving her a confused look.

  "Ahh Marlene that looks quite bad" Mark said looking into the living area.

  "Is it the worst I have had yet" I asked.

  "Nah when we broke the table by throwing you on it was the worst" Maxwell said now also looking in, with a disgusted face.

  "Ahh that was a good one that one made me cry" I said now laughing at the thought, everyone else except James looked surprised.

  "Are you guys mad or something" Lily said trying not to laugh.

  "Just a little" I said with a smirk, while Mrs.Potter wiped my face off with a towel.

  "Ahh you gotten yourself good" Mrs.Potter said.

  "Well stitch it up then" I said with an emotionless face.

  "I am we have to stop the bleeding first darling" she said now chuckling. You could hear my mum making noise in the kitchen she was cleaning up she never liked seeing us hurt so Mrs.Potter fixed us up.

  Later I went to bed with my head hurting, vary bloody much. The next day I woke up quite early saying that lily was still asleep. I headed to a hidden room. In the room were a bunch of paintings hung a painting canvas which was on the floor.

  "Hmm I haven't been in here for a while" I said talking to myself.

  I kept talking to myself till I was interrupted by a sound from the door, I quickly jumped and turned around to find myself making eye contact with a pair of grey eyes.

  "What is this place" Sirius said confused but amazed at the same time, he admired the paintings around him till I spoke up.

  "My. Art room, I spent sometime in here when I was thirteen" I said smiling somewhat to the wonderful memories I had in the room before me.

  "Did you make all of these" Sirius said confused.

  "I made three fourths of them the others Maxwell painted next to me" I chuckled. Maxwell somewhat looked up to me, he in joyed my company where I made fun of him and he got to do it back to me.
  "Do you think I am talented or not" I said asking Sirius if he liked my paintings.


I hope you liked this chapter it is simple and plain but was fun to write. If you have feedback or ideas please tell.

(These characters belong to J.K Rowling and in no way am I claiming them as mine)

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