Chapter 26

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A/n- this takes place at the end of their sixth year

Marlenes POV:

  Lily has had me down in the library all the time now for the O.W.Ls exams. It is boring but it will do if I want to get a good job when I leave this school. Right now at this moment I am jealous of Sirius he always gets good grades and does not study Remus probably helps him.

  "Marlene out of your thoughts and back to your reading" Lily snapped.

  "Sorry" I mumbled under my breath.

  "Just work and you don't have to work on transfigurations your good at that, work on positions" Lily said snatching the book out of my hand and closing it and handing me a positions book.

  "Fine" I fussed. Who is good at positions not even the slytherins are good at it.

  "It will help you get a good grade" Lily rambled on.

  "Why don't you help me study the exam questions and if I get a good grade I can leave" I spoke up.

  "No I have to study" Lily fussed.

  "Fine I will have Y/n help me" with that I got up and walked over to Y/n, she/he/they was also studying but I knew she/he/they would help me because she/he/they was to smart they already knew everything they needed to know. "Hey Y/n" I said with a big smile on my face.

  "Hello Marlene" Y/n said still with her/his/the'er head still in the book.

  "Can you help me" I spoke up after a few seconds of silence.

  "Sure what do you need help with" Y/n said as she/he/they sat the book down in front of them and took the paper from my hand and started reading off the questions. 

Time skip to after the questions~

  "Okay thanks Y/n your the best, Lily would not help she is busy studding what did I score" I said all at once.

  "A ninety-nine god job Marlene" Y/n said with a big smile on her/his/the'er face.

"Thanks" Marlene said then got up and walked over to Lily.

"So are you going to study now" Lily said now looking up from her book.

"No I am smart and scored a high score" Marlene said then stuck her tongue out at Lily.

"So your going to go and hang out with Sirius now" Lily taunted.

"Yep I don't know what we are doing" Marlene huffed as she picked up all her books ready to put them away.

"Okay well have fun and don't do things to crazy if you know what I mean" Lily giggled.

"I know" Marlene said and rolled her eyes and left.


"Hey have you seen Sirius" Marlene asked Remus in the hall.

"Umm I don't know I think he is in our dorm room. I think he is upset" Remus said a little worried.

"Okay thanks Remus your the best" Marlene said then rushed to the boys dorm.

When Marlene got to the dorm she nocked on the door lightly and cracked it open slightly.

"Hello. Is Sirius here" Marlene said.

"Yes" Marlene heard Sirius say he sounded a little muffled.

"Are you okay" Marlene asked now opening the door all the way.

"Ya why" Sirius asked he was under what looked to be five throw blankets.

"Are you mad how many blankets are on top of you" Marlene giggled.

"A lot" Sirius said in between laughs.

"Your mad aren't you" Marlene said now beside Sirius bed and putting her things to the side.

"Yep the maddest you'll ever get" Sirius giggled while Marlene moved over some of the blankets and sat beside the boy.

"Your weird also" Marlene mocked.

"Well at least I am not the only one" Sirius said then burst into a giggling fit.

  Before dinner time all of the others boys, and Lily for some reason, came bursting threw the door. They were planning to come face to face with Sirius and Marlene snoging, but instead came face to face with the two asleep.

  "Should we leave them" James whispered.

  "No Marlene will get upset she loves dinner" Lily responded.

  "But she is in love with sleep" James spoke up.

  "And Sirius loves food" Remus piped in.

  "He has a point" James whispered.

  "Okay Peter you wake them up" all three of them said then turned to face Peter.

  "They will kill me" Peter said scared.

  "Not if your in your mouse form" Lily said.

  "How do you know" Remus fussed.

  "I told her" James said as he raised his hand.

  "Are you mad Marlene already knows" Remus fussed.

  "She knows" both Lily and James said at the same time.

  "Ya Sirius told her" Remus said now gesturing at Sirius he was still asleep.

  "He did" James said surprised.

  "Yep. Also can we get on with it and wake them up" Remus said he had grown impatient.

"Ya" Peter huffed. Peter crawled into the bed in his rat form and tickled Sirius and Marlenes feet. "Okay are they up" Peter asked right after getting out of the bed.

"About" James muttered and pulled the others out of the room.

"Sirius wake up" Marlene whispered in his ear.

"Hmmm" is all that came out of Sirius mouth.

"It is time for dinner" Marlene responded.

"Ohh" Sirius said then sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Ready" Marlene asked.

"Ya lets go" Sirius said as he got out of bed and grabbed ahold of Marlenes hand.

"What do you think they are going to have out for the spread" Marlene asked.

"I don't know it is going to be a surprise I guess" Sirius said then leaned down and kissed Marlene on the cheek. With that the couple headed to the great hall for there dinner.


Sorry for not updating in a while. I am not going to lie I have had this chapter done for a month now just got to lazy to proofread. So here it is finally hope you like it that is it bye.

Also mental health check in, I know we all have our days and love to be checked in on so if something is going on feel free to speak to me or anyone in that matter about it.

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