Chapter 29

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Marlene POV:

The next morning I was woken by Lily. I could not help but smile when I saw her.

She huffed "come on no time to waste this is our last year at Hogwarts let's enjoy it" she said now smiling.

"Enjoy it or study?" I asked while getting out of bed.

"Both but mainly the first one" Lily said walking into the bathroom with a smile as I followed.

"Good morning ladies," Dorcas said.

"Morning" both me and Lily said.

"In joy it or study good one Marlene" Mary said with a little giggle at the end.

"I know right" I said in a high pitched voice.

Sirius POV:

  I was woken up by a book landing on my head.

  "The hell" I yelled.

   "Get up" Remus huffed, then picked up his book and walked away.

   "Ass whole" I mumble as I walk into the bathroom. "Who the fuck, fucked up the bathroom" I fussed.

  "That would be Prongs" Remus said now sounding pissed.

  "Not surprised" I say then chuckle at the fact.

  "It is not funny" Remus fussed.

  "Mmm sure" I say then brush my teeth.

  I head down stairs to be greeted by my mates and my wonderful girlfriend.

  "I am hungry I am leaving without you guys" Marlene fussed. "James come" she said and got up and dragged him with her.

Marlene POV:

  I dragged James out to the hall by the ear. "Listening" I asked harshly.

  "Yes now will you let go of my ear please" James fussed.

  "Nah, but I got news for you" I say now cheerfully .

  "What is it?" he huffed.

  "Lily likes you" is all that came out of my mouth.

  "Really did she say it" James said happily he is so weird I swear.

  "Nah, but I saw her staring at you last night" I say with a smile.

  "Marlene that is not saying it" James fussed. He wants a confession from her.

  "I will get her to say it tonight and I will tell you tomorrow deal" I say now letting go of his ear and putting my pinky out.

  "What is that" he says looking at my pinky.

  "What" I asked confused.

  "What the fuck are you doing with your pinky" James said also confused.

  "Oh it is a pinky promise muggles do it, I think it is to make sure they keep there promise and if  they don't they cut each other's pinky's off" I say bluntly.

  James raps his pinky around mine and says "muggles are so weird why do they cut each other's pinky's off."

  "I don't know maybe so they won't break the promise next time" I say giggling at James comment. After that me and him head down to the great hall and wait for the others while eating the food they put out. Once the others showed up James had me tell them about pinky promises.

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