Chapter 21

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"Shall we hit the sky" James said calming down a little bit after we embarrassed him.

"Ya" the kids yelled, then me and Sirius joined in.

"Marlene will go up with you guys, me and Sirius will stay on the ground just in case you fall" James said now smiling.

"Okay lets get up there" I said as I grabbed a pair of sunglasses out of my pocket the sun was coming up at this point and I had to make sure I could see the kids.

"Were in bloody hell did those come from" James said gesturing to the glasses I had just put on.

"I already had them. Bye" I said as I mounted my broom and took off. I flew above the kids and laid on my broom hands behind my head and feet crossed.

A little later James yelled "were is Marlene."

"Up there" a kid said now pointing up at me.

"Hey snitches get stitches" I shouted down at the kid.

"Marlene. I said to help the kids not do whatever your doing" James said frustrated.

"Hey not my fault someone woke us up early" I said adjusting my glasses a little bit.

"Oh my god" James fussed.

"She does have a point" Sirius muttered, "Also I am somewhat scared to argue with her" Sirius said with his eyes wide.

"Don't be a baby. Go up there and get her moving" James said nudging Sirius for word.

"Fine" Sirius puffed then mounted his broom and flew up to me.

"Hello Sirius" I said lowering my glasses to look at him.

"Hello Marlene. Can you please help the kids" Sirius mumbled.

"Why don't you join me" I said with a pitiful face.

"Okay fuck James" Sirius nodded his head then laid down on his broom.

"You two are the worst" James said as he flew up to us.

"Aww I thought you loved us, as friends" I said with a frown.

"I do" James said then got interrupted by Sirius.

"But we get onto your nerves" Sirius said with a smile.

"Yes" James said shacking his head.

"We love you to James" I said with a smile on my face.


Later that night I could not sleep, I had been having a hard time I had a reason but it just wouldn't go away. I got out of bed and went were my feet took me. Some how I ended up at the black lake.

  "Marlene" Sirius said confused.

"Hi" I said as I took a seat next to him.

  "Why are you here it is late you need to go to bed" Sirius said concerned.

  "I can't sleep. Actually I have not been able to sleep" I said worried, what if I was broken.

  "I can't sleep normally ether it is not only you" Sirius said, it was as tho he could read my mind it made me feel special.

  "How do you go to sleep" I asked, I wanted to know so maybe I could go to sleep.

  "It takes time" Sirius said reaching over to touch my hand, but I ended up grabbing his first.

  "What if time does not work" I said concerned I was sure I was broken in some way I had not been able to sleep since my dad.

  "Come to my bed. If I am not there just wait I will be there" Sirius said. I scooted closer and leaned my head on his shoulder and sat there for a bit.

  "Want to go" I asked I was ready to leave and I wanted to sleep with Sirius, I knew if I did not I would not be able to sleep.

  "No. You go to bed" Sirius said, when he said that a pit grew in my stomach.

  "O-okay" I said a little nervous.

  "What is the problem" Sirius said confused.

  "Nothing I am okay" I said shrugging my shoulders.

  "Marlene" Sirius said frustrated.

  "What" I said now angry.

  "Your upset. And I want to know why, it upsets me" Sirius shouted.

  "Shhh. No one needs to know we are up and at the black lake now. If you want to know I will tell you but not here" I said pushing one of my fingers to his mouth so he would not say a word.

  "I know a place come on" Sirius said grabbing my hand.


  "Were are we going" I said as we went up a flight of stairs.

  "To the astronomy tower" Sirius said with a big smile on his face.

  "Do you like astronomy" I asked as he dragged me up another flight of stairs.

  "Yes, even tho I dislike my family and that they named all of us after constellations" Sirius said out of breath at the end.

  "I like your names. They are unique and pretty" I said.

  "Your family is normal they don't beat there kids" Sirius said a little frustrated.

  "Are we almost there" I puffed.

  "Yep we are here" Sirius stopped me with his arm so I would not walk further.

  "Wow. It is so pretty up here. Do you think you could teach me the constellations" I said excitedly.

  "Sure. But you have to tell me why you are upset" Sirius said grabbing my hands.

  "I am upset because I feel broken because I can't sleep. I have not slept since my dad died" I said stumbling over my words.

  "Marlene. Your not broken your perfect and if you can't sleep remember you can come and sleep with me" Sirius said with a frown on his face.

  "Thank you" I said as I kissed him.

  "I am really tired I will see you tomorrow okay" I said walking away.

  "See you tomorrow McKinnon" Sirius said with a smile on his face.


  The next morning James let me and Sirius sleep in ten minutes longer than yesterday.

  "You two should be happy with ten more minutes of sleep" James fussed.

  "Ten minutes is nothing" I muttered.

  "Why do you take this so seriously. You joke about everything else" Sirius complained.

  "Because quidditch is the best game in the world maybe when I grow up I can be a pro player" James said with a smirk.

The next day we had a game that day it all went as planned we won against Ravenclaw. Then we headed to the three broom sticks and that is when it all went down with the death eaters.


Hope you liked this chapter. I know I did not really talk about death eaters but I wanted to talk about Marlene and her dad.

(These characters are not mine they belong to J.K Rowling and in no way am I claiming them as mine)

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