Chapter 23

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An: this will take place a month after the last chapter.

"Hello. Is there any one down here" a voice said. "We are here to help" the voice said.

"Yes. Yes. There is only ten people the rest are... died" Sally said banging on the bars.

"Okay. I will be back okay. I will have more people come and help" the voice said and then left. When they came back more were with them.

"Hi I am Mark" a man said.

"Hi Mark my friend Marlene can't walk she will need extra help" Sally said as she threw her thumbs over her shoulder.

"Bloody hell Marlene" Mark said then it clicked in my head it was my brother Mark. He blew the cage door open then picked me up.

  "Will she be okay" Sally said she as she was walking long side Mark.

  "Yes we will take her back to Hogwarts and then she will be tended to. She will be okay" Mark said walking and then putting me on a table.

  "Thanks" I mumbled.

  "You should not talk" Sally said crossing her arms on the table and leaning her head on her arms.

  "Shh. Be quiet for once Sally" I said tapping my hand on the table.

  "Hmm, fine" Sally puffed.

  After they got the other eighth they took us to Hogwarts. I was helped in. When we got in Mark shouted.

  "Five are okay and five are hurt. The rest have died" Mark said walking me into the hospital wing.


Sirius POV:

  "Sirius come on" James said as he grabbed my wrist and took me to the hospital wing.

  "Why are professors standing at the doors. Why are the doors closed" I said confused.

  "The captured students are back" James said excitedly.

  "Is Marlene in there" I said nervously.

  "Ya. She was hurt very bad" a little girl said that was next to me.

  "How do you know" I said with a disgusted face.

  "She would have them take her rather than me. I think it is because I am a second year" the girl said.

  "Of course. I hope she is okay. Hey what is your name. Maybe we can hang out together" I said now sitting on the floor.

  "Sally. I hope she is okay to. She is nice" Sally said now sitting next to me.

  "That is a pretty name. I am" I said but Sally cut me off.

  "Sirius. She talked about you after she would go upstairs" Sally said with a smirk on her face.

  "She did" I said confused.

  "Ya. It was as tho talking about you made the pain go away" Sally said with a chuckle.

  "Romantic" James said now sitting next to me.

  "Shut it" I said as I hit him on the shoulder.

  "Just saying" James said with a smile on his face. All three of us jumped when we herd a scream from the hospital doors.

  "Bloody hell" I said after the scream stopped.


Marlenes POV:

  I swear the person who was tending to me was bloody mad. They cut my leg open then shoved there hand in to see why I could not walk.

  "Hmm. I know" the person said after my blood curdling screams stoped.

  "Great now fix it and never do that again" I said frustrated.

  "I am I will be back" the person said as she walked away with bloody hands.

  "What are you doing" I said after they got back and was about to reach there hand back in my leg.

  "This will hurt" they said.

  "I kn" I said then they shoved there hand back in my leg, which lead to another blood curdling scream from me. When they took there hand out I passed out.

Sirius POV:

  After a lot of different scream coming from the hospital wing they opened the door to visitors. James and Sally had left so I went in and looked for Marlene. All of the kids were asleep so I would not be surprised if Marlene was to.

  "There you are" I said then stood at the end of her bed.

  "Sirius" James shouted. "Is she okay" he said in a nervous voice.

  "Ya" I said then tapped her toes on accident, they scrunched up when I did so.

  "Wonderful" then he walked out and got the others.

"Sirius" Lily said rushing to my side.

"She is fine. Watch this" I touched her toes again and they scrunched up.

"Thank goodness" Alice said.

James went to her side and read something that was on her arm then covered it as fast as possible.

"What was that James" Mary asked she sounded scared.

"Nothing to worry about" James said and rested his hand were her sleeve ended.

After a little bit Marlene woke up.

"Bloody hell if that bitch shoved her hand in my leg one more bloody time" Marlene said then noticed we were there, and our eyes were wide. "Ha sorry" she said with her lips pressed together

"They shoved a hand in your leg" Alice shouted.

"Ya. And it hurt so so so bad" Marlene said shaking her head when thinking about it.

"Well at least there hand is not in your leg now" I said with a little fake giggle at the end.

"I guess your right" Marlene said with a grin.


Marlenes POV:

After my friends left, I laid in bed for a bit. After a bit I got up and left for the kitchen to get pudding. After I got my pudding I headed to the Gryffindor common room it was the closest and my leg hurt so bad.

When I got to the common Lily looked at me like I was mad. "Marlene why are you here" Lily said frustrated.

"I just wanted pudding. And then these stupid legs started hurting and the common is closer than the hospital wing" I said a little scared.

"Fine. But your going back when your done" Lily said with a stern voice.

"Fine" I said letting out a huff after and took a seat.


Hope you liked this chapter I feel bad for having a person shoved there hand in Marlenes leg but she can walk now so it was for her own good. (Good news quidditch will take place soon and I will go into not that much detail this time)

(These characters belong to J.K Rowling and in no way am I claiming them as mine)

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